Monday 30 July 2018

sem 2 2018 begins

ANYWAY! happy vibes only I am happy happy happy right right RIGHT ???

HAHAHHAHAHA im a cooked chicken!!! BAWK BAWKKKKK. Currently reading back on some of my blog posts during exam period when it all went wrong and I'm just like laughing at my own depresso-ness you know.
I forget that not everyone constantly jokes about wanting to die. After my MMAN tutorial today, my group went to Ainsworth cafe to have a meeting. The conversation drifts to peer mentoring because Jasmine and Jason both do it and Jasmine is about to meet her mentees. They ask me if I've ever done peer mentoring and I'm like, "what the hell how am I supposed to mentor other people when my own life is shit" and they all look at me with like slight shock on their faces then go "your life isn't shit what??". SMH its just a prank XD
Anyway, first day or proper uni today (I only went to 1 lecture last week). I had my first MMAN tute at 9 am and luckily we had already made our teams beforehand. I'm with Jason, Jasmine and their friends Tien, Maria and Liam. All of them are such fucking keen beans so hopefully it'll be good! One of the my tutors is a fob and the other is this country bumpkin boy who is super helpful and confident. He was like "I'll show you a childhood picture of myself" then put this up on the projector
Well yeah had a team meeting afterwards at Ainsworth and bumped into Brenda and Niina. Team meeting was fine, took minutes and did some extra as stuff admin things. Then went to AGM & reaffiliation info session at Arc. Saw Linda who dealt with WIESoc's invalid AGM thing last year but she was representing Create so idk lowkey a bit awkward.

Had a bit of time before lecture so walked up to lib and bumped into Jason T. Sat with Jason and Maria on the lib lawn (every time i sit there i just feel so .... worldly) for a bit whilst they were working on MMAN things. I did a bit of project work.

Then went to MMAN3000 lecture with Phuc which was actually sosossososo entertaining. First half was boring as shit, we learnt how to research much wow, but second half was about INTEGRITY. We had to answer these situational questions on a post it note then swap it with other people so we could see what they answered. But yeah felt like I was a kid getting scolded by my parents about why we should HAVE INTEGRITY and not plagiarise. It was pretty intense. The lecturer was going on about how if you copy someone's work then for some reason they don't like you anymore, they can blackmail you. Also compared moral integrity to structural integrity.

After lecture, chilled with Phuc, Brenda and Lizzie at Max Brenner. Talked about our violent upbringings (lmao), random tings I don't remember anymore but it was super chill :) Went to lib by myself to try and get my application for Cambodia done but fml I'm so ceebs for it. Theres like 7 questions FUCKING HELL. I really want to get it because it looks sososo fun but ptsd from high school again my English skills fail me.

IM SO PROUD I only spent $4 today (on coffee)!

trying to find happy! because no one likes hanging out with sad people.

do I mean anything. time to accept that I will just be sad for the rest of my life. 

but mostly sad

inside I know i am being drama llama so its ok. thought I was over it but I guess not  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

fucking so ceebs trying to express what is going on inside when I cannot be honest here so we just sticking to the dry content of what I'm doing everyday I guess

wanting things you can't have? never heard of it.

hahahah I keep distracting myself with things but like the sadness is always there. found love in empty bottles. ok now I am sad why did you have to snap me like that like m8 thanks but no thanks I don't ever want to see what is happening. I WAS HAVING A PERFECTLY GOOD NIGHT WTF,

This is also me just not wanting to resource lmao

Sunday 29 July 2018

Perisher & Phuc's 21st


So went on a pretty impromptu ski trip with Amy's family, Stephen and Andrew!! It was planned very last minute but ended up being super fun. 

Got picked up by Amy and Stephen then headed to Canberra. Amy was driving and we swapped like halfway to Canberra. The drive was so nice and smooth. 

Then got to Andrew's apartment in Canberra and we chilled at his house, played with his extra af Apple Homepods. Canberra is so dead... like we were within walking distance of the city centre but it still looked like a really chill suburban area. Like not that many people around, everything is really spread out etc. 

Had lunch at Greasy Monkey which was pretty good. Just got the basic bitch burger.
Had dessert at this cool lab place that sold truffle ice cream but we tried prickly pear sorbet and it was so yummy. 
Headed back to Andrews then drove to Jindabyne following Amy's Dad's car. It was pretty scary because it was so dark like legit no street lights but Amy's Dad had his his high beams on so it was ok. I've never seen so many dead kangaroos in my life though. Andrew did this annoying thing where he pointed out every single roadkill that we passed and it was legit like every 2 mins "oh look roadkill".

Stopped at the ski hire place and then WIESoc meeting had already started so I just joined the call, updated about hoodies then tried on my ski boots hahaha.
Got to our motel and it was cold a f. We only had one room so legit 7 people living in this cramped space. But it was fine cus we didn't spend that much time in the actual motel. 


Suns out buns out

Woke up super early, had breakfast at the motel. They had this super cool automatic pancake machine that would squish out the batter then slowly cook it along a conveyor belt. drove to the Perisher Blue mountain thing and we started skiing!!
Everything was coming back to me like clicking the ski boots into the skis and the little heart attack u get every time you have to catch the chair lift.

Last time I went skiing was when I was super young so I thought it would come back to me eventually but IT NEVER DID. I was basically starting from the very beginning again fml. The first slope we went down, I stacked it at least 3 times and wanted to just give up and fucking roll down the hill. It was so hard to go down SLOWLY. Every time I tried to turn to do the zig zag thing, I would accelerate like crazy and either have to ski back upwards on the slope or fall so I wouldn't go any faster. Amy's Dad was so patient with me tho.

Eventually got to the bottom and they were all there clapping at my noobiness.

The next like 3 trails we did I wanted to cry because I still didn't have control and would just end up zooming down the hill crying inside and praying that I wouldn't hit anyone. Forced myself to fall a couple of times so that I wouldn't be going so fast.

One of the ski lifts were super violent and I was not prepared for it so we all stacked it and Kevin fucked up his knee so he had to tap out :(
Had lunch at the Blue Cow Cafe which was pretty shit.
Afterwards, Amy taught me how to do parallel skiing properly and I had a bit more control. After that it was really fun!! But my knees were about to like blow out fml.
Everyone kept having to wait for my cus I was so shit HAHAHA feels bad.
At around 4, the ski lifts all stopped so we had to go home. Walking in ski boots and carrying skis is the biggest pain. Drove back to our motel and then went out for dinner at this pub thing. They had $10 chicken schnitzel and unlimited condiments. WAS YUM.
Had shit expensive ice cream for dessert whilst playing ming mang mong. Stephen was so bad at it and since we didn't have shots, the punishment was a lick of pepper.
Went back to the motel then played card games until we all wanted to die from exhaustion.


Woke up super early again, packed up our shit then went to ski again. Had a really bad headache so after a few runs I tapped out and just took a phat nap at the Blue Cow Cafe.
After I woke up I felt so much better and I joined them again.
The conditions that day were so bad though. At one point I got really scared because Amy and Andrew went ahead and I didn't see them anymore. There was no one around me at all and all I could see was like 10 m in front of me and then white fog everywhere else. Eventually made it to the end of the trail but then we sat there waiting for Stephen for forever because he got lost.
The last hill we did was so hard for me hahah. Had to keep stopping because I didn't want to lose control but I made it down without falling!!
We drove back to return our skis, then headed to Canberra for dinner and to drop Andrew off. Had dinner at this burger place called Mookie and we were terrible people. They gave us our milkshakes but then forgot that they had given them to us so made us new ones... and we didn't say anything HAHAHAH.
Said bye bye to Andrew then drove home.

The 3 hr drive home was fine except for the last half an hour where I was getting really tired and my vision was just like blurring. Felt kjnda drunk. Amy tried to keep me awake but she was dying as well so she kept fading in and out of consciousness. It was so funny she'd be singing along to Billie Eilish, go silent for 5 seconds then jerk her body and say "omg I just dreamed". She kept waking up and telling me about the random things she dreamt about then go back to sleep.

DRiving back to amy's house, I saw maccas on the floor and my first thought was that it was more roadkill.


Woke up at Amy's house, her parents drove me to Bankstown. I had a pork roll then took the train back to my house. Tried to nap, showered then took the train to Cabramatta to help VSA sell tickets for Charity Dinner. It was a total fucking fail.

I saw Amy Lim when I got there, then we met up with Tommy outside Huong Xua. Keiran and Monica arrived and we just all sat there waiting for Kristine to bring the tables and chairs. Literally 45 mins she comes looking all pissed and shit. Then we set up, stick posters to the table etc and I post this photo on VSA NSW telling people to come and no joke literally 30 seconds later the police come like soz you have to go you don't have a permit. SO OVER IT. Oh also saw like the tutor kid I used to teach in year 9 that I disliked so much because she was always so rude.
So went to have an awkward lunch with Amy Lim and Tommy and they were being weird because I was there. Had some vego Bun Bo Hue which was actually super yummy.

Met up with Phuc, Selina and Jo at Cabramatta Bottler where they had just finished buying $700 worth of alcohol... just casually. Went to the bottle shop in that alley to buy passion pop then back to Phuc's house. Helped him set up a bit before going back to mine with Jo to change. My dad drove us back out to Phuc's and then the party began.

Hung out with WIESoc for most of the night like Niina, Brenda, Lizzie, Yiyi and Vivian Tran.

ye the WIESoc XD
WE DRANK SO MUCH SOJU HAHAHAH it was lit. Kept like going back to the cooler to get more. We fucked up Vivian Tran tho and ended up having to help her chunder. Was so responsible like "JUST STICK TWO FINGERS DOWN YOUR THROAT!!!" and wiping her chunder off her face and hands. Saw so many people I hadn't seen in ages. Was so lit I was talking to randoms.

<3 Yen she was my camp buddy!!!
<3 John I don't think I've ever said more than 3 words to him
and there was this super clingy chick called Niina there? Yeah I think her name is spelt with two i's its super whack.
what are these hands help
 kieran always doing nangs so we call him chef cus he's making whipped cream yenno. YES CHEF!
looking after weak bitch Amy Lim whats new.
It was a good party though. More tame than I expected like pretty sure Viv was the only one that chundered.
me being such a tragic drunk and saying/doing things I shouldn't do.

Parents picked me up and I went home and went straight to sleep.


So today woke up, ate baked eggs that my sister made, watched snap stories and now I am here.

I love this song so so so much omfg. The band is from NSW and they filmed this music video in Redfern?? I was so shook hahah because I was like hmmmm I recognise that train station.

never seen a more accurate meme

if I wanted to wait that long for a reply I'd send a pigeon

Tuesday 24 July 2018


VSA CAMP DAY 1 (Saturday)

Woke up, packed then took the train to Cabramatta PCYC, took the bus with Jo to go to Camp Wombaroo (BECAUSE THERE WERE WOMBATS AND KANGAROOS THERE OMG)
Got there, went to main hall to play ice breaker games and find out our teams.
Was put into light blue with a couple of people who I knew like Yen and Tommy so it wasn't too bad. Our shirts were the nicest colour XD. Went back to our cabins and the team leaders of each team had to buy alcohol that was the colour of their team. Tommy bought Bombay Sapphire gin fuck my life. Played more icebreakers (ming mang mong, some winking assassin game) and everytime we lost we had to take a shot. It was so bad but felt so much more at ease after a few shots. 

Took a group photo with our gin XD also we all look so fucking fat because we wore the shirts over our hoodies. It was sososososo cold.
Then went back to dining hall to make the team flag (TO THE QUEEN!!!) and it was eat dinner which was pasta get again whats new... what retreat/camp have I been on that hasn't served swirly pasta with bolognaise sauce smh. 

The Royal Blues :)
Played drinking games and also went back to cabin to get more alcohol. I don't rly remember what happened that night. I think I wasn't having that much fun because wasn't drunk enough but then Yen and Vivian Tran made me go back to the cabin and skull another soju and two beers with them. After that I was lit and dancing and shit.
Tagged along with the new UNSW committee to 
and there were like 8 people squished into one car because illicit substances weren't allowed at camp but lol no one really cares plus its technically legal. But yeah they turned the music up real loud and Vivian Tran was tryna teach me how to do it cus she was soooooo lit just saying "THAT'S MY ARC DELEGATE". Brah I had no idea what the fk was happening to me like my body was frozen and everything was pulsating and I couldn't move but I could hear the music going doof doof.

Went back to the dining hall and one of the new UNSW PRs read the front of my Biomed hoodie and she laughed cus it said "Breathing New Life".

chilling with Khalid Masters
Yen and I found an empty cabin to sleep in for the night which was cosy. Donne and Ellene joined us as well. Had an actual good night sleep because cabins were actually warm. Wore too many layers this time instead HAHAHHA had to wake up and take some off.

VSA CAMP DAY 2 (Sunday)

Woke up bright and early, went to breakfast. Then started cooking lunch which were Nem Nuong sliders. Got to skip out on talking about Viet Culture and playing dumb games which I was so ceebs for. I've never flattened and flipped so many fucking nem nuong patties. We were listening to tbt HSM songs and singing along to The Greatest Showman.

Had lunch, then they did the amazing race. State team was helping out with the stations so Jo and I did the Blind Soccer one which was actually not that bad. We got so ceebs towards the end tho like even if it didn't get into the goal, we just let them off anyway. Punishment was a stick of vegemite for every time they touched the ball ew. 
Ate grapes.

Went back to my cabin and took a nap. 

Dinner was some shit ass fried rice which I had no hand in. JESUS they made the rice too soggy and it was a hot mess. Also the only meat in it was spam lmao.

DANCE BATTLE TIME. we made our dance up so quickly but managed to not come last. State team things
Night was litty!!!! Had soju, some beer, some random mixers but got super super lit. Went to Khang's room for some more
plus some instant noodles yum. Selz and I did it at the same time and KHang was like waving his phone around our heads and jesus it was so good I was so shooketh and just like momentarily forgot how to inhale HAHAHAHAHAHA. Yen ran into our room with a broken tequila bottle and was waving it around like one of those angery drunk dudes ready to shank someone with a beer. So fucking funny.

Went back to dining hall, chilled for a bit, ate some fire noodles. 

What wasn't funny was later that night at around 2am when I Retruend to my cabin ready to fucking sleep I see Yen in the top bunk snoring with chunder all in her hair and like a litre of chunder dripping on my sleeping bag on the bunk below and luggage on the floor. Wanted to KMS but cleaned it off my shit before going to find Selina cus fuck that

Found Selina, Winnie and Bonnie in Carmen and Dani's cabin. Selz anD Winnie fell asleep so I was just talking to Bonnie for a bit and she was telling me that BOYS AINT SHIT HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA. 

Found a random cabin and Winnie & Bonnie slept in one bed and selz and I slept in the other for warmth. Oh wait lol before we slept we stole the blankets and pillows from the teachers cabin LMAO. 

VSA CAMP DAY 3 (Monday)

Woke up, dining hall was a fucking mess so we had to clean. Didn't no much. Chilled around the dead campfire. 

teams that lsot their team flag had to go clean bathrooms but the cleaners had already locked all of them so we didn't have to yayayay.

Got on the bus home, met sister for brunch then went home, youtubed and conked out 


First day back at uni.

Went to MMAN3000 lecture with Phuc and Jason. Totally wasted my fucking time travelling to uni for what I thought was a 3 hour lecture that turned out to be 45 mins wanted to neck myself.

Talked to Phuc in Commerce Courtyard before we took the bus back to Central.

Got home, watched handmaid's tale.

Currently obsessed with:
binge watched it for about 6 hours today lol I'm up to season 2 episode 4 now. So good. Season 2 isn't as fast paced as season 1 so far but hopefully it gets better.

torn between
  • listening to Bazzi's album or listening to Billie Eilish's entire discography
  • thinking Billie Eilish is super intelligent and thinking Billie Eilish is fake deep getting famous off her brother's talent
  • watching another episode of The Handmaid's Tale or going to sleep
  • double messaging or not double messaging


i'M GOING CRAZY i watched 7 episodes of The Handmaid's Tale already