Wednesday 4 July 2018

lost and insecure

depresso me is hidden behind sobriety now! Sorry for this nothingness blog post it reflects my life which has been nothingness recently.

I need a hoodie name for VSA. What do? I have no nicknames.


Woke up way too early to get to Chatswood for resourcing. Basically, our bosses at project are realising that we're too lazy to do anything until its URGENTLY LAST MINUTE so they're going to get us to come in and do actual resourcing shifts. Got a solid like 6 hours of work done!! Hung out with Amy most of the day. We went to get some waffles after being at project for like a solid 10 hours.

I didn't save the picture of the yummo overpriced waffle we got afterwards :(


Went to uni for WIESoc marathon meeting. It went by faster than I thought it would though.

From 10-12 it was just catching up with one another, talking about what had happened since uni finished. Was taking minutes because Ms Elizabeth Paulino (resident secretary) had not arrived yet. Bonded with some of them over Queer Eye HAHAHA. Then we went to lunch at Phoodle (next to Chatime) which was actually pretty good!! I had maccas for breakfast though so I didn't order anything myself and just had the shared spring rolls plus this bougie a f viet iced coffee.
trust a viet placed in the EAST to serve deconstructed iced coffee LIKE WTF I already have to pay $6 now you want me to mix it myself???
Went back, started discussing the timeline for our events next year for like 3 hours. It was chill!! 

Vivian keeps hinting at me that I'm going to be VP of PR next year which is alksdjfa;lvk;ldajf i don't know theres like 2 other people going for it now and I am scared of failure so I am reconsidering. Also it's kinda up in the air rn if my other potatoes will be returning and honestly don't want to be in the soc if they're not there with me.


After the meeting was donez0, I went to chill at Niina's house for a bit. Caught up because hadn't seen each other in ages and she never replies to my messages because either I'm not a priority or ... wait there's no other option 
me and my $300 Furla bag
Made her watch Queer Eye, then settled on "Aggretsuko", a Japanese anime about a heavy metal singing fox?

Drove home then continued to watch Love Island.  


SPENT THE WHOLE DAY WATCHING LOVE ISLAND LIKE REALLY WOW I can literally feel myself wasting my life away.

I'm so dumb been trying to figure out how to advertise for charity ball in viet for so long being too shy to ask someone in the team to translate for me... AND I FORGOT THAT I HAVE A WALKING TALKING TRANSLATOR IN MY HOUSE LEGIT RIGHT HERE

Played Dead by Daylight for the first time in agessssss. It was fun but got a headache so quickly. Never played with Hanna before and she made me feel better because I was shit but she always died faster than me HAHAHHAHA. Doing some posters for VSA rn, marketing WHATEVER.


More LOVE ISLAND. Finally caught up!! And can't believe how much I detested Grant at the beginning because Tayla and Grant are my favourite couple atm. 

Went to pick up tickets for Charity Ball today and it was such an effort to put on clothes and leave my house to walk 4 minutes to the post office and back. 

It was my Dad's birthday today so went to the super snazzy mini spice alley inside Cabravale again. Banging 10/10 meal IT WAS SOOOOO FUCKING GOOD.
Lamb Stew - so creamy miam miam I've never really liked this dish but my jesus they did it so well. The sauce was sooooo flavourful and just smooth. Lamb was so tender. Noodles were fat and chewy.
 CRISPY PORK BELLY - Dad was like "don't eat too much you're gonna get high cholesterol" then I rebutted with the fact that I only eat egg whites so I'm automatically allowed to eat whatever oily shit I want
 Xiao Long Bao!!! - not as good as Din Tai Fung's but like its xiao long bao so I don't care.

Idk just a general sense of boredom recently because no one wants to play with me. Everyone is out doing stuff with their lives and I'm just here being a big ass lazy piece of shit. 


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