Wednesday 2 September 2015

Badminton fo days

Anny from year 9 asked me if I ever blogged about badminton and lol just realised I don't. Its time.

Tuesday nights mean one thing. Setting my alarm clock to 5:10am for Wednesday badminton. Seriously like the worst morning of the whole week but my dad is basically my butler and he makes me breakfast and lunch before I wake up so I don't have to wake up as early. I say "I hate him" so many times of the week but I don't (think) I mean it. If I didn't have him I wouldn't survive school. Fathers day is coming up and have no idea what to get him. He went a little crazy at Woolies today and brought home this.
Went to badminton and noticed that the sky was getting bright when I walked to the station which is weird because its usually still black at central. Shaz and I thought no one was going to show up but quite a few people actually did. Sharon was a lazy ass as usual and lay on the floor the whole time. I'm so convinced we're going to lose every single doubles match at GBAS comp because of my inadequacy. Also Michelle Lin is batshit crazy sometimes I don't understand.
School was so uneventful. Did nothing in engineering because Denyer had to organise the fashion parade. We went to library for chem and Whansae, Jessie, Jusmin, Jamie and I were talking about ranks/hsc and everyone was so woeful but we eventually agreed we were all gonna get 100 for hsc LOL. Such dreams. Stokes gave us new math booklets (our last ever fk we're so old) with our faces on it arranged in where we actually sit in class.
Had Lord of the Fries for the first time today. Sharon and I decided to tag along with Michelle, Anny and Jenny in yr9 before our open day shift and lol they are so dynamic. When we got to town hall like 20 yr 9s were just hanging around Aqua S like seriously having a lil party or smth??? Do they not have homework and assignments I don't understand. Lord of the Fries was pretty yummy and cheap as well. Then we went to Chanoma and Anny was freaking out because she had a shift at 4 but we left school at like 3:30 so why would you come in the first place HAHAHAHAHA. She was so worried idk how she is going to survive hsc. 

We had such a deep convo on the bus back to school and I was just telling Shaz and Anny to not be a terrible heartless person like me. I don't understand why I am like this. Was I born this way or was I somehow influenced during my life to be this shitty?

Sorry my day is so boring you can just stop reading now. 
Felicity edited these and suggested we print out heaps of them on muck up day and just stick them everywhere.

Me and Shaz got back to school just in time for pack up HAHAHAHA. SHOUTOUT TO JANETTE WHO PRINTED OUT OUR BADMINTON LETTERS AND PHOTOS!! We would've had to pay so much for school printing if you didn't print for us. but fk u for telling me you weren't coming to school I was so pissed at you. TY JAN! We didn't get roasted by Grant all day! tbh our stand wasnt that bad this time and she was probs too busy with French to give a shit. 

After open night I ran into Michelle Qiu on the bus who was last years badminton captain. She was with her friend. And y'all think I'm crazy but I can't look into your eyes when I'm talking to you. FD has experienced this during maths. So during the convo it was so terrible because I didn't want to look into her friend's huge eyeballs and I couldn't concentrate on anything I was saying because I was just thinking of where to look. 

So no worries guys if you think you have it bad, just think about Serena and how she can't converse with people because eyes are too threatening. I have social anxiety I'm self diagnosed. Hence why I don't think I can pass scholarship interviews because I'm the least charismatic and most awkward, stuttery person you will ever meet. Literally going to make no friends in university. Don't make fun of Lulu for overthinking because I am the new her.
Its not even a fear because it happens every day
This is me sometimes (very very rarely) HAHAHAHA but only because I need to trek or if I don't know them well
You know I really shouldn't joke about these things but I actually think I have a mild form of social anxiety. A lot of people have it worse so yeh what goes through their minds in social situations is really poopy and its seriously so sad. You might think this is trivial but there are heaps of videos on youtube with people talking about it and its so so so shit. 

But Michelle was really nice and urged us to win the comp next week. Even though I have no faith we can do it. She seems to really be enjoying med sci :) 

Anyway I'm so pooped rn I came home, showered then watched bachelor. Fucking nina can u just gtfo I see no "connection" between you an Sam. Also why is Rachel still there wtf????????? She has no personality (like me) and everyone just hates her its kind of sad but yeh shes really uninteresting. Lana's date was amazing and I think she actually might win because I saw a recent pic of her and she's gained a lot of weight (SHE MIGHT BE PREGNANT OMG). 

So haven't done any work all day and not planning on doing any :/ I don't think I have a target atar because you can't even aim towards an atar bcus its always so unpredictable but I have target marks and stuff. 

Thanks for reading. Dissipate like the farts being expelled from my lactose intolerant ass. 


  1. i spent way too much time with u today :p but omg u saw michelle?! :((( and HAHAH can rachel please leave

    1. way too much time. and omg ikr what is she still doing there.


  3. mme grant wasn't there to roast bc she was at bostes marking hsc stuff heh
    also i don't think you're that awkward! you're pretty good to talk to! also i hope you win whatever badminton ventures you and your crew go to!! good luck!!!

  4. I get a mention in a Luong blog post haha GEDDIT I'm so funny
