Sunday 27 September 2015

when I was accused of being a bully

I used to do so many things that were really questionable in primary school. I thought I was the smartest kid in school because I could do timetables faster than anyone else and add double digit numbers. Basically I was just so nasty. BUT I swear to buddha I never knowingly bullied anyone (I think).

I used to ask this girl for money and she would always say yes so I kept doing it. It sounds bad yes. But I was a child and had no idea that you weren't supposed to do that. Tbh she kept saying yes so like not my fault ok. Then one day I asked her for $2 which she happily gave to me. I used it to buy an iceblock....NEK MINNIT she asks for it back and buy then I'm like oh soz already bought an ice block. 

Dis gurl then goes to the teacher and is like "Serena took my $2" and then my teacher sits me down on the brown chair and goes "oh taking money isn't good blah blah". Then they tell my mum about it and I was crying being like "I ASKED FOR IT AND SHE SAID YES SO HOW IS IT MY FAULT THAT SHE WANTS TO GIVE ME HER MONEY??????" which I still stick by today. 

So yeh I got in trouble and never asked that girl for money ever again. Everyone was so disappointed in me but tbh I never understood why because it wasn't even my fault. I still see her around sometimes but I don't consciously associate her with this event so its all g. Why am I telling you this? Because I recently found a lil notebook in my cupboard that I used to atone for my alleged sins.

I am a pyschopath. Prepare for your opinion of me to change. (mum is the less round writing)

If you can't read the pictures, just read this: (Mum is in italicised + red and I'm just normal)

List all the bad things you did in these 2 weeks?

1. I stole took alicia's money. I should not ask people for money.
2. I slapped Jessica last week. I should have said no thank you.
3. I bossed jessica around many times. Don't make her do things for me if she Dosn't wan't to
4. I pushed yuan today. Don't push yuan and shouldn't act bad thing for winning

Why did you do that? Reason?

1. because I wanted to buy something
2. I didn't want jessica to piggy back me
3. I wanted her to be in my team
4. we were playing a game and I wanted to win.

Do you think it is right to do that? Why.

1. No because they won't have anything to eat, money belong to them.
2. No because they will feel hurt
3. No because you might hurt their feelings.
4. No because you will hurt them.

What punishment you wants mum or dad give to you?

- No two dollar for 1 weeks
- No Karate this week
- No play outside
- No hug from Mum for 1 week and can not sleep with Mum or Dad.

If you do that again, what do you think we should do?

- Don't let me have ice skating lessons.
- no more Karate
- no more money to school
- no more play outside
- go to see Mr Brim - principal.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO basically I was violent and abusive and used to boss people around/slap them if they didn't want to be in my team. I was the Sharpay of Carramar PS. Evil evil evil child. I don't think I've lost any of my bullying tendencies tbh. Except now I don't actually slap people, I just imagine it in my head. 
They laughed at my crayon drawings. I laughed at their chalk outlines.

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