Wednesday 16 September 2015

Tunic day & pj breakfast / costume day

Sorry for not blogging (no one cares) but yeh this is a post to catch up on the past 3ish days.

Tunic day

Barely squished into my tunic and a couple of people commented that it looked tight. It was also shorter than it was in yr 7 so yay I grew!!

copied this off FD's blog
Expectation: will be so hard-working in high school
Reality: everyone draws on FD while School Captain Shumi does work to make Mr Stokes think the back row is normal
I look constipated but they r cute. Srsly tb to yr7 days. 
Amy dragged Tammy and I out of our class parties to take a photo with Georges Hall crew & we managed to make Tammy stand next to Bosco. TACO 5EVA!! (and yes I do see that awkward space between me and anto he didn't wanna touch me not cut at all m8 I aint diseased wait I actually am now but I wasn't on monday). 
Feng and I being Feng and I. 
Basically I learnt that I have gotten fatter and uglier over 6 years in high school. 


Didn't participate bcus lets be real I have no assets to show but many people tied up their blouses, hitched up their skirts and wore knee high socks to exude sluttiness. I think McDerm might've died. They brought some dranks to school and had a bathroom rave (which included some extreme bra flashing). 

Pyjama Breakfast & Costume Day

Woke up at 5:30 to attend the pyjama breakfast. Some of us agreed to wear our onesies. This meant that I had to wear my frog onesie on the train whilst sitting next to a giant chicken drumstick. 100% done..
We got the letters we wrote in yr 7 to ourselves in yr 12 and mine was so lame. Legit I talked about how I thought the school was so big and nothing about any of the friends I made on the first day. Except for this part which was kind of funny, "P.S. I owe this paper to Catherine. She's from England and she says if you stand in the fridge in England, it's warmer than the outside!" Yes I spelt her name with a C. We also got some random photos taken from yr7-12 and our yearbooks which we all signed hectically.
Then we all changed into costumes for muck up photos. Our group had greek goddesses, Inside Out characters, three musketeers, Blair Waldorf (spot on Nellie), Red Riding Hood & a chicken drumstick.
Spot the pouty lips
Tina I know I'm delicious
Why does Joyce look so sad?
Troll dolls were so fantastic and props to Kylies especially vertical green hair.

Favourite photo of the day.
Then we went to Fox, tried some tasting platters from Bavarian Cafe and watched Maze Runner: Scorch Trials. If you thought the first movie was dumb...wait till you see this one. It srsly made no sense and the movie withheld so much information to the point where you were questioning all the actions every single character made. But the action was good and the zombies were terrifying (worse than the walkers from the Walking Dead because they moved so much faster and spurted black stuff from their mouths).

Here is a badly photoshopped picture in an attempt to correct the shitty lighting in the real photo (taken by the judgy af hoyts worker).
Watched the bachelor and ye don't even know how Sarah lasted that long. Goodbye. I think lana is going to win...

It hurts so much to swallow my own saliva atm its like the two sides of my throat are sandpaper and they r rubbing against each other.


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