Tuesday 1 September 2015

Where Willy Went

W0w much surprised about my ranks. Not even kidding wtf seriously wtf.

Spent 4:30-7:30 at the library today doing Engineering notes and just as I began to settle down I heard this voice go SERENA and I was like oh fuck no who is it now and it was Kenneth who I sit with for phys tutoring at peak. For y'all who go chem peak, he's the one who makes random sarcastic comments at the back. We were trading trial marks/ranks and he wants to do comm/law at Macq so go him.

I always have these 5 minute naps at the lib whenever I get tired I just lean on my hands and sleep. I probably look like a complete psycho to people next to me facing them with my eyes closed.

At Cabra they have iPads on locked stands that you can use and there were two little boys using them to watch youtube vids. And the yt vid they were watching had so much swearing like FUCK YOU this FUCK YOU that and they started copying the video and saying FUCK YOU as well. This old man sitting next to them started screaming and he was like ARE YOU SAYING FUCK YOU??? and lol it was so funny cus then he went to report the two lil boys to the library people and they were like um boys you have to go outside. how sad. i say fuck you to the old man.

TBT to when Cabra had this picture book called Where Willy Went about a sperm cell named Willy who won a swimming race to get to the egg HAHAHA. Sex ed for lil kids.
Interesting living space

Been listening to so much John Mayer recently I can't even deal. I've rediscovered my love for his music. I listen to his concert 3 times everytime I'm at the library (at 144p because cabra wifi sucks whale shit).

Did y'all know whale vomit aka ambergris is used in perfume/food lol gross.

On the phone with Sharon not talking because there is nothing to talk about and we are both too scared to ask Ms Grant to print stuff out for us so forking out >$5 tmr FML