Saturday 12 September 2015

So stupid

Be prepared for a rant about how stupid I am if you don't want to read goodbye.

You know how I said I was feeling not that bad about maths? Well that was probably only because I haven't been to jimmy so for a while and today I was reminded of why I do not like jimmys. I am surrounded by people who are so damn smart and make me feel so so so so so so so so stupid like words cannot comprehend. Imagine 20 maggies in one room and you've got my jimmy class. Seriously so dumb compared to them. 1st and 2nd at Sydney Girls would be like 30th at Canley and NSG.

No offence but why is our maths so bad (or why do we not have really really smart people besides maggie and Edda). I feel like other schools have 5 maggies or maybe it's just cus they aren't as well rounded as SGHS? We were talking abt English ranks and there are only 15 guaranteed band 6 at Hurlstone fk m8. Well it doesn't rly matter how well rounded they are because the only thing I care about is maths and they are so much better at maths than me.

It's like the only thing I thought I was really good at was maths but i was just reminded that I'm not even good at it. Our SGHS tests are so easy????

And people ask me why do you even want to try for hsc your engineering course is only 91. I think it's because I can't not try (maybe influenced by parents screaming at me for getting 88% in Mr Stokes' probability and circle geo yr9 test) but also because I want to beat other people. Sounds nasty but yeh sorry I want to be the best?? Like I'm so competitive. It's probably in my genes bcus my sister is like me.

When I got into the car after jimmys I was wailing to my dad like WHY AM I SO STUPIDDDD and he was like well u don't even study so it's your fault...and then I was like studying can only get u to like 95% but the people who are super super smart can get to 100. Like no matter how much you study if you see a question you've never seen before in the exam, you won't be able to get it whilst a super smart person could. No you can't study to be the next Einstein, you either have it or u don't. And I obviously do not have it.

Maybe i'm just making up excuses for my laziness but I think for maths, no matter how much you study u can't compete with the people who are just born super smart... Goodbye state rank 3u when I'm up against my Jimmy class like BYE I'll tell u all abt it when I see u heaven..bcus u dead.

On a slightly less depressing note our troll doll idea looks like it's failing atm bcus no one seems to sell beige coloured clothes/coloured wigs. So I think I'm going to try and make a chicken drumstick costume because why not. Have to ask my dad to use his cardboard boxes because he is so protective of them ugh. His pissiness is magnified 2638277x when he is sick.


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