Wednesday 7 October 2015

"A sound response"

Actually at risk of not getting a band 6 for English because I think my internal mark is going to be 90 or 91 sooooooooooooooooooooooooo need to hustle to get 90 for my actual hsc which sounds really hard atm. Relying on people to do worse than me. According to rawmarks I need to get around 79-84 raw to get 90. So hopefully I can do that.

Struggles of not knowing how to essay in year 12. Still don't know what a thesis is. Don't know how to fix any of my essays.

When you get 12 for an essay and this is the comment.
Thanks for nothing.
Seriously tho wtf is that supposed to mean. English makes me sick. I feel so defeated every time I work on it. J'ai le moral à zéro. I wish it didn't exist. I think I'm just going to go in with a memorised discovery essay and not attempt to mould it at all on the day because don't understand it.

Lots of people deactivated facebook to concentrate on hsc. Meanwhile I'm still spending hours on youtube/napping/watching movies/BLOGGING.

Does anyone forget to eat? Bcus I ate breakfast at 10;30 and at 4:30 I realised that I totally forgot to eat lunch.

FUCKING ENGLISH FUCK why do you exist LIKE PLEASE GO AWAY. I read Cherry's discovery and felt like crying because it was so amazing but also because there was no way in hell I would be able to do that (which is why shes like top 5 and I'm 61) but yeh goals. 

Also Cinquetti hates me. Literally 40 minutes after I sent him my creative yesterday (after not sending him anything in the holidays) he sent an email out to the whole class being like, "sozzzzzzzzzzzz don't have time to give you general comments. just read the annotations in the attachments."

I AM FIGURATIVELY DYING and literally because we are all dying BUT FUCK I want to be swallowed up into a sink hole and make friends with Satan. I would be very good friends with Satan because we are both malicious and I could fart and he could use my farts to make more fire and heat up his humble abode in winter then we could roast marshmallows with the burning methane and when other people came to hell we could burn them and eat them or just taxidermy the shit out of them and use them as wall decorations. When I quit English tutor in year 9 my tutor said I would need tutoring in year 12 to get a band 6. Trying to prove her wrong but fk its hard. I feel like writing a poem about my English struggles.

English Flavoured Diarrhoea

A poem by Serena Luong

English is shitty like excrement,
Except it's not tangible,
It hurts more than constipation

Tell me what this quotation suggests.
It suggests that you distress and repress me.
You oppress and depress me.
Until I am crepe.

I hope you impart your wisdom to me
By fart or even pee.
Because the process of discovery is confronting.
But not as confronting as naked people.

Your pee will not dilute the truth
It will only serve to strengthen it
Cloud it before it clears
It will never disappear.

Because the English flavoured diarrhoea
Will find a way into your ATAR salad,
No matter how much you hold your anal sphincter.
It will stream in. 


  1. wow amazing poem. to identify the colour of green you have used for your title to portray diarrhoea, take a look at this:

    1. wow that was actually really cool. did not know there were that many shades of green that actually had names. I'm feeling seafoam and chartreuse ~~

  2. HAHAA your poem ;) AND VARYS > PETYR (creepy dude crushin on sansa)
    DW my discovery essay had "a perceptive analysis" for a 13 so I'm just gunna give up on that and regurgitate the same essay for HSC lolol

    1. omg i need to get mine to a 13 but idk what a 13 is so D:

  3. Ugh Serena I just typed out a comment but then I had to login and I have to retype everything again. ==
    But anyway, don't regurgitate your essay Serena! Actually try to argue your thesis and whatever question it is on the exam day (like mention the key words of the question every 2 or 3 sentences, always link back to it) and you will be fine. And then insert in phrases from your regurgitated essay here and there. I probably shouldn't be giving advice to you but that's how I survived during Trials haha.
    Your blog is interesting. =) No one in my group writes blogs. I think.
    I need to study for Physics and everything else.
    Sorry this is your English buddy (I'm in your English and Maths class =D), I don't want to put my name on the Internet so I'm using this fake account lol. But you can probably work out who I am.

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA thanks for the advice you genius OMG you are so good at english you say "try to argue your thesis" HAHAHA I DONT HAVE A THESIS EVER . I'm not as smart as you D: STUDY HARD (even though you really don't need to) I'M DYING!!!

