Wednesday 21 October 2015

half of my ten years of tutoring is over

I know I stopped going to Jimmys like ages ago but it feels like its coming to a real end after my 2nd last high school math exam. I kind of owe him my life??

4U was meh idk. During the exam I was tight for time but I thought I managed to do everything except for 1 inequality question. That was really depressing because Amy and I spent like 3 hours yesterday doing different inequality questions but we somehow we failed to do the one in the legit exam. Also apparently heaps of people from James Ruse and NSG are pretty confident they got 100 lmao. When I came outta the exam I realised I did lots of things wrong lol. Marks slowly being lost. I wish I could lose weight as easily as I lose marks. W/e. 4u done and dusted.

Troye Sivan's Take Me Down video is so sad.

Also I was going for Richie after his one on one in the spa episode but I feel like he's too awkward and just not as confident as the other guys which is why Sam is kinda like ://////////////// Their convo this ep was really awkward. I think Sasha will win. Michael is too creepy.

Also post hsc I must watch Back to the Future because never seen it and everyone is freaking out that its 21/10/15. I also need to get into star wars before the new one comes out. I've only seen the shitter ep 1-3.

Time to start studying for chem. Have not done a single past paper lol.

Only 3 more exams left. The end is nigh.


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