Monday 5 October 2015


Went to Feng's house to study today and it's not like we didn't do work we just kind of didn't do much of it LOL. Oh wells. It was fun.

We bought heaps of junk food to eat including red rock deli chips, sour straps, ice-cream and sour worms. Feng also had a bit of food at home (sunflower seeds + almond milk) so we ended up eating all of that + pizza + connoisseur icecream. Now my farts smell like decomposing bodies. You know its bad when you can't even stand the smell of something you made yourself. 99% sure I am lactose intolerant. I had to get up off Feng's bed at half-an-hour intervals to release the gas because didn't want her to have to bake in that rancid stench. My belly kept making weird noises because I think I screwing up my intestines by holding the fart in.

We listened to a deep house playlist on Spotify and I thought it would be so mysterious and strange it wouldn't have words but it's pretty good. It kind of makes you really calm so you can concentrate better.

ALSO we watched Team America during pizza lunch with Feng's lil sister and yeh it was basically how I remembered it from like 8 years ago when my cousin showed it to me. So fucking weird but so funny.
Was going to put some photos up but too ceebs. I think I'm going to stop blogging now. Too tired for it and lol HSC is death. Haven't started any English stuff. Consistently getting 13s and 14s out of 20 for engineering multiple choice.

Apparently I need to get 80 raw to scale to 95 LOL SO HOPEFULLY I can get that.


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