Friday 23 October 2015


Fucked up chem and was wallowing in self pity on the train ride back to Bankstown. I came out of the exam feeling kinda meh because I was so tight for time and didn't check anything. But I was like ehhhh I think I did pretty ok. Nek minnit finds out I answered the last q wrong. I was so done with everything. It wasnt even that hard of an exam. Chem was supposed to be good because I already fucked up engineering. Amy said it was the universe punishing me for not making any major mistakes this year. Ok maybe that is just what I inferred from her evil little mouth.

Atar dropping like balls. Saggy wrinkly balls.

Anyway after I calmed myself on the train I met up with Amy at the library then we went to eat lunch with Clintoris. We bought a Zinger box and a popcorn snackbox deal and it was pretty filling. Clintoris only bought 10 chicken nuggets so he ate some of our chips. Then we went back to library where we did some 3U past papers. Some of them have pretty hard questions so I am very worried about not being able to get 100. What if I fuck up 3U too. There is nothing else to redeem myself with. Already know I will fuck up phys.

I do not deserve to celebrate after HSC there is nothing to celebrate.

Shitty day just got shitter with my mum accusing me of not studying at the library. And I told my dad I didn't do well for chem and he was like well that's why you have to read the question carefully. ha ha ha thanks dad.

Amy made this lovely picture of me yesterday.
I need to somehow find motivation for my last two exams. 
Also didn't comment on the Bachelor yesterday but yeh Sasha was defs the better choice. Even though he's a bit arrogant at times. But w/e. 

"I know it's fucked up 
But I'm living a lie 
In a cheap hotel 
Is where I'm sleeping tonight 
With someone I just met 
While the love of my life 
Is at home 
Probably wondering if I'm dead or alive"
Just keep swimming. In some concentrated sodium hydroxide. 

Some inspirational quotes I found on google:


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