Sunday 18 October 2015

My real phamily

Demon child 
Went to bankstown library yesterday to study with Eugene and Tina but ended up sitting by myself because they were so distracting. And then Amy came and she was farting everywhere so no one wanted to sit with her either. Tina was not wearing any pants.
Anyway we had lunch with Eugene, Tina, Amy, Sy and Clinton at Hanamar..y.y.y.... and lol Clinton is so clueless he was like "OMG GIRLS HAVE ARMPIT HAIR??"
Amy randomly was like do you want to sleepover today??? and I was like ok sure I will ask my mum but I dont think she will let. But then my mum was just like sure!!! And then I went back to Hurst, went Charlie Lovett and studied a lil then went back to her house. We played lots of guitar and I taught her how to play some songs on a guitar with a missing high E string. Lots of John Mayer yass.
Her mum being the star chef made pho for dinner then baked a cheesecake souffle but we couldn't eat it until the next morning. I couldn't go to sleep because Amy was snoring so loudly. She has never snored so loudly in the history of sleepovers.
So today we woke up to cheesecake breakfast and pizza. Such health. Then her mum baked some friands and we ate that too. Her mum makes food so much food I love it.
Tried to memorise some chem notes today but kind of failed because I was so bored. So now I'm going to do some more maths papers. Also sleeping over again because I have no home and my parents don't love me. When I go home tomorrow my parents won't recognise me because I have probably gained so much weight over these past 2 days.
Also Amy's brother plays LoL every waking moment of the day. That is the life.
Finally printed out chem notes and stupid Amy.


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