Friday 16 October 2015

Feng's sleepover & GHPS randomness

Went to Feng's house for sleepover on Wednesday after engo and lol her family is so funny. Her sisters are so funny they gave me a group hug. Also her mum was trying to give me life advice but I couldn't really understand but I still nodded anyway because I didn't know what to do.

We were supposed to do some math papers but Feng fell asleep at like 12. I started watching the Walking Dead but gave up after half an hour because it stopped buffering. But feng added lots of randoms on fb on my account who have no idea I exist but some of them actually accepted? like bohan, alex and verdy. I don't even know who bohan is. Also I got Feng some new friends as well LOL (FRANCIS + ANNY + ANGEL + XIN)

I went to Bankstown today where I was surprised by the abundance of Georges Hall people camping there. I saw Sy, Clinton, Flora and Bosco. Except Bosco was sitting with his own friends. Its because Tammy wasn't there. Amy came after and then she suggested we call Flora "Fauna" for the lols. Fauna was like wtf?????? We also took heaps of photos on Sy's photobooth and we went crazy but even though we were in the quiet section the librarian didn't really care. 

I'm still so socially awkward but just relying on the fact that I'm the only one who notices it lmao. Hopefully they just think I'm strange. It was fun to catch up tho and I miss primary a lot :( Tb to funner times when I was not so awkward and there was no hsc. And we did hotmaths (georges hall was hipster and didn't do mathletics). and wakakirri. and night of the notables. and drama. and raising the flag for prefect duty. LOL one time it was Friday and we wanted to make it particularly challenging for the person who had to take it down on Monday so we wound it around the pole a bajillion times. 

sad sad primary was so fun. 

4U is so struggle usually can not do any of the last 2 questions lol. Let me die. Can't even maths what is life. 

Also studying is much more fun when you have people around you that you know?? I used to go Cabra library by myself and now I think about it that is so sad. But I probably got more work done BUT LOL STILL studying isn't too bad. But English is over which is I why I can say that. 

I think I shall watch Inside Out tonight. Maybe.
Sorry if this post is boring. Catch up with your primary friends. Just do it. 


  1. Omg I feel you Serena... Totally believe primary years were the best!! And LOL once during prefect duty, me and this other guy (you know Marc with the long ass last name?) had to take down the flag and bc it was so windy I almost dropped the flag... And dropping the flag is apparently some form of treason (or that's what we thought anyways) so I fully lunged for it and fell on the ground trying to catch it before it touched the ground AHAHAHAH maybe this doesn't even sound funny but it totally was #memories :D

    1. how come all you prefects had flag duty what on earth is that - we never had to do anything like that back at my school?? we just had like canteen, assembly duty etc..


    2. Bc our schools were awesome :) Flag duty is so much better than canteen duty :P

    3. canteen duty means we got food so hey i aint complaining ;)

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