Friday 2 October 2015

(updated) no motivation, 1% ambition, much depression


Listen to this song its good for sad times. Melanie Martinez was on the voice US (she sang the funky cover of Toxic)

I laughed so hard at Tina's quote because it is so accurate. I have seriously no motivation for hsc, a lil ambition to do well but so so so much depression because I ceebs studying and doing well.
Yesterday I went to Tina's house to study again and we ended up watching Mad Max Fury Road. I have lost track of how many times I have watched it. Like 4 or 5? The last movie I watched as many times was Whiplash which was so amazing asdklfjaklsfj;v.

Did a little bit of chem study but idk cannot concentrate ever then stayed for dinner and went to Woolies to buy some snacks. We bought such diabetes - jelly beans, fizzers, hot chocolate powder + marshmallows and ate them while studying a lil more.

Then I went home and watched the Bachelorette which was the funniest episode so far because of the exfoliating date where Sam had to rub green mush all over the guys and the guys had to rub it on her without seeming creepy. HAHAHAAHAHA it was so funny. Sad Will got out :( He is so funny and strange and really nice. British Alex is not that interesting. I WANT RICHIE TO WIN.

Literally how I greeted many people in year 8-10
Need to HSC fml fkking fk fk fk fk fk fk fk fk fk
UPDATE: it is 11:22pm and going to blog some more without making another post because twice in one day is too much.

Anyway finally watched The Departed today and it was very very good. Such suspense such craziness such Matt Damon. Would totally recommend. Jack Nicholson is so creepy omg. LETS WATCH THE SHINING TOGETHER!! Really want to watch the Martian when it comes out (this weekend??) but yeh can't because HSC.

Didn't meet Tina at Cheso or Amy/Eugene at Banks today bcus my hair was too oily HAHAHA. Did half of a chem paper and a quarter of an engo paper at home which is still so fail.

Kylex is totally happening omg Alex said he liked Kylie in that way but apparently Tyson is not sure if he is being sarcastic or not. LETS HOPE HE IS NOT BEING SARCASTIC ASDFLAJKFVLKJAEHF;EF OMG. I've finally listened to Sugar by Robin Shulz and lol I was like hmmmmmmmmm is he sampling something bcus this sounds familiar and turns out he is. Suga Suga by Baby Bash back in 2003 WHEN WE WERE 5 YEARS OLD GUYS WTF WE SO OLD .

Optom Ball Eyeball is just too funny. Listening to the Fray makes me sad and reminds me of Grey's Anatomy.

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