Tuesday 27 October 2015


Laters HSC.

I'm kind of happy but also kind of sad because I realise this holiday will be over soon. Then before long I will be complaining about uni exams and assignments. It will never end.

Why is life so gross. I also need to find a formal dress which is so ugh. It feels like another thing I have to do. 

Physics today was so gross I don't think I got full marks for the longer response ones but fuck it. At least I did not read any of the questions wrong like I did in chem (NOT THAT I KNOW OF SO FAR LOL). I also have the lowest expectations for physics so that helps. 

After phys Amy, Eugene, Tina, Mei and I went to eat some pepper lunch. Apparently we were a family. Mei was the dad, Eugene was the mum, Tina was the crazy aunt, Amy and I were the children. Amy kept saying I was an African child and that I wanted to be set free. We were going a lil crazy off happiness I think. I pointed at a tree and said it was my dinner.

We kept annoying Eugene by singing "for the first time in forever" but changing the lyrics to "for the last time in forever" because we were literally doing everything for the last time in our jerseys.
PEPPER LUNCH!! yummy :) 
Judging Eugene, Mei and Tina for taking photos of the buildings and sky???????
This is the end result of Eugene's photography. It's not THAT ugly:
Had CreAsian and it was kinda berk. The green tea latte was nasty I could not drink it. But its probs just cus I'm not used to the bitterness of so much matcha. The fondant was yummy though but way too expensive. When you cut into it with your fork all the gooey green tea filling flowed out.
I don't even know what is going on in this photo.
Guess the nostrils. 
I think my role in life is to be the person that looks so ugly they make everyone else look 2000% better.

Recipe: Mei-Sandwich

  1. Squish 1 small sized Mei between two slices of similar sized Amy and Serena breads
  2. When transporting the sandwich, ensure the filling is tightly packed between sandwich layers
  3. Grab a Tina and record a video to show your friends your amazing creation
  4. End result:

Then we went to Stephen's house to watch (rewatch) Guardians of the Galaxy and Charlie's Angels. We had some yummy pizza. 
Going Burwood tmr with FD and Feng I feel like I have not seen their faces in so long. Guess what we are watching tmr??????????????????????????????? SO DAMN EXCITED.
Basically I need to not waste a single day of my 4 month holiday. This is is my sister's advice for the holidays.
- not tutoring
- something where you can make friends
- get fit
- join a class (zumba, karate)
- volunteer
- activities
- skills
- skateboard
- guitar

1 comment:

    (legit leaving this on everybody's post till I finish HAHA)
