Thursday 21 June 2018



ANAT spot test was fine. I guess. IDK. When I was flipping back there were a couple things I forgot to write "left/right" for cus I'm a mong but there wasn't anything major I didn't know. Except I didn't study the function of the glomerulus lmaooo.

Afterwards, talked to a few people about it and the general consensus was that it was not bad. Never been to a single uni class as much as I've been to ANAT so like you see the same people around and its nice.

Went to lib afterwards to resource but then found out from Amy that we're actually ahead of schedule for one week. Therefore didn't do anything for like 3 hours. Started watching Mad Men. Gave Jo her headphones back, waited for Amy to charge her laptop then was about to go home before Niina messaged me to get lunch with her.

We had veggie nachos from Whitehouse and I jokingly snapchatted a woman who was wearing a hoodie cus Niina said she was wearing a hoodie nek minnit Niina's right behind her.

I went home and was sad because had to wait at Central for 26 minutes.

Went home and slept forever then started watching Killing Eve.

What a great way to celebrate the end of the exams XD

I forget about things that make me angry but then when I remember them I feel stupid for ever forgetting.


Woke up from my slumber. Arose and was so bored for 2 hours that I ate and then went back to sleep for another 4 hours. Like I'm at the point of boredom where there is nothing to do besides sleep. Don't want to be awake anymore.

Tutored my kid. Went home, made some instant noodles and ate them. Yum.

Then watched Incredibles 2 with my cousins. IT WAS SUPER GOOD!!! Jack Jack so fkn funny. You know what else is funny? this tweet
me saying other people are boring when I'm literally out here... like white bread. not even toasted.

ceebs with life


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