Saturday 23 June 2018

finally left my house


Mathew (my ANAT demonstrator and m8 from VSA) messaged me like "you failed ANAT" and I knew he was joking cus this bitch doesn't fail ok. OFC HE WAS JOKING
apparently I got 98% for my spot test yeeeeeeet the one with the identification of the weird tissues. BUT YEAH I WAS SO PLEASANTLY SURPRISED HAHAH. Sad though because I still know I did bad for the written ANAT which is worth way more but whatever :) I AM HAPPY CHAPPY FOR NOW. Hopefully anat and phsl pull my wam up lol

3rd day at home. Yesterday I went to bed at 8:30 pm immediately after dinner and my body naturally woke me up at 6 am after a solid 9.5 hours of sleep. But no I WILLED MYSELF BACK TO SLEEP because I knew I would be so bored if I woke up. I just lay there with my eyes closed for SO FUCKING LONG contemplating life until I fell back asleep. Ended up sleeping till 10 am. MY LIFE IS SO INTERESTING RN.

Depression naps? Pshhhhht thats old Serena. I'm all about the boredom naps now.

Even twitter/tumblr bores me these days. What do? Should I get back into some computer SIMS!!!

My cat is so fucking ugly sometimes smh

Hung out with Niina cus she finally finished exams. We had dinner at new Kobow (Gangnam Station?). Was so expensive but really really yummy. Fucking Niina ordered an ice peach dessert thing and it was legit canned peaches in their syrup plus a few ice cubes. I've never felt my jipped in my life. They were good canned peaches tho. Also had seafood stew (when niina can only eat seafood but I hate it where do we compromise?? We're not just gonna order fucking potatoes). The stew was yummy even tho I just ate the tofu and egg hahaha but it was super spicy. 

WANTED DESSERT SO WENT TO 85 degrees and then starbucks to get coffee wtf even. got kicked out of starbucks because they were closing but we managed to finish the cakes. Then went to maccas for more food?? Idk why??? Swapped music. Ended up leaving at 1 ish and somehow burnt 5 hours doing absolutely nothing but talk and eat.
also my parents called me and were like "we're in Ashfield we can come city to pick u up" and i felt like royalty!!! I never get picked up from the city?!?!?! Got home in about 40 mins and was pretty tipsy but my dad still asked me to park the car for him. They really can't tell when I've been drinking lmao. 


woke up early ish, cooked parents breakfast.

now i need to resource :)


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