Sunday 17 June 2018

so close to donez0

sooooo last few days hmmMmMmM HAHAHAH

listening to this song and actually watching the animations at the same time is legit an experience. Would've cried but didn't want to waste my tears again xdxdxddddd


I ended up staying over at uni again. Legit feeling like the most homeless family with VSA this exam period.

After my ANAT exam I "studied" with Phuc Andy and Lianne at Mathews. Was kinda productive I guess? Andy and Lianne went home then it was just Phuc and I. It was chill. He was dying because he had 0 sleep the night before for management and was about to do it again for maths. 
Then at around 9:30 Selina arrived. We got kicked out of the cats room so went to the computer room. Kept studying for PHSL but then at around 2 am I got tired and wanted to sleep. Phuc brought his sleeping bag so I used it for about an hour before I felt bad for taking it and then I gave it back to him. I tried to sleep across a few chairs but it was too fkn cold and I kept waking up because Selz and her infosys friend were studying really loudly. 

After drifting in and out for sleep forEVER, they realised how to turn the heater on. After that I took Phuc's sleeping bag back and had the best sleep until 10 am. I woke up and Selina and her m8 were finally napping after their all nighter. I gave them to sleeping bag and I went BACK TO STUDYING! 

Tony gave me a moda HAHAHA so I was good to go for the rest of the day. Niina joined me after her exam and I could feel the smh from Selina. We were very slow with our studying I feel. We were struggling to remember all the info for blood and CVS. We ended up lowkey sacrificing neurophysiology because didn't have enough time but I taught Niina everything about the stretch/golgi tendon/withdrawal reflexes because that was the most common question. We read through all the pracs except for safety prac and the computer lab prac.
Niina, Tony and I got driven back to her house by her boy Ben. Tony went to sleep, Niina and I stayed up studying before she died at like 4 am. I pulled a phat all nighter trying to learn as much about neuro as I could. Crammed the multiple choice for the last two topics. Realised in the morning that I forgot to study the computer lab so memorised the answers in the car and just before the exam. IT WAS GOOD!!! 
I regret my life for not studying the PHSL safety lab though fuckK. 


We got to the exam and so many bess people everywhere haha. Felt like a big ass screwed family. Actual exam was actually not bad. The neuro question was a bit fucked but I feel like I had some OK bullshit. We'LL SEE. Might actually get 90 for it if I did as well as I thought I did. 

Went back to Niina's house, saw the cutest cat, watched like 30 minutes of 13 reason why before we both slept for 4 hours HAHAH. I've been so sleep deprived for the past few days.

We left her house and parted ways because she was going to to see Ben and she kept tellin me to come but wtf like nty not gonna be a third wheel so I went back to uni to wait for a bit with VSA before going back out to city. Watched a bit of Set It Up on Netflix before Khang and Jo drove me to CEntral. Met up with Brendaddy and Lizzie XD

We all so done with exams omfg. We had kind of a depresso catch up at Sparrow's Mill but it was good. Soju was involved. We are on the same page with a lotta things.

My soul needs Jesus. We went to star bar, danced and played pool. Then I just died like Niina and Ben joined us and idk but my head just shut down. I was so fucking tired from too many nights of shit sleep so I just slept on the couch before the seccy told me to get up. POOL WAS FUN THOOOOOOOO we all so shit HAHAHA. 
Went to Maccas with Brenda and ran into James Tinker and Rick? IDK I was so drunk and just hungry for food. I think Tinker ended up paying for us so yeet.
Checked my phone and like the last train was coming to Central in 10 minutes but I thought I was checking from Town Hall so I didn't need to rush. NEK MINNIT I realise that the train goes the long way around from Town Hall meaning that the train was probably coming in 5 minutes at Museum and I was so fucking far from there. CHECK MY PHONE AND I LEGIT JUST SPRINT THE FUCK OUTTA MACCAS. I have never ran so hard and so fast for the train. Legit got on and just collapsed on the seat and took the dumbest video of me panting and sent it to Potatoes. 

anyway, the last thing I have is my ANAT spot test on Tuesday. So ceebs. I'm already in holiday mode. 

figuring out what I want to do with my life atm .... I'm legit so worried

I just want to have fun is that too much to ask. I want to take another depression nap.


Woke up dehydrated a f. Went downstairs and was shooketh to see my cousin's baby in my house. We had a massif breakfast and then went to pick up my dad's new car.

He was very happy with it HAHAHA. Mid life crisis? Now there's a free car!! I can drive his old one but its so fat ugh.
Went home, took a depression nap. Had dinner, now we here.

I need to study and do project work :(

awkwafina is so underrated... this is so fucking funny. asian represent


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