Friday 29 June 2018

fool for loving


Resourced the whole day :) Then went to see Ocean's 8 with Khalid Masters + had ramen at some food court place in Chinatown beforehand (Gumshara). It was slimy af?? Pork was super yum but the actual broth was so fatty and just tasted legit like melted pork fat. There wasn't much flavour. After doing some researched I found that the broth is made with JUST pork bones and water and is apparently the best ramen in Sydney???
excuse my munted face.
banger with sad lyrics. but it's less sad because the guy who sings it just got given the song at an "American camp" and he kinda pronounces a lot of the words weirdly?

YESSSS FINALLY FINISHED RESOURCING HEHEHE. logged 13 hours this week xD. Also gotta do the workbook so yay money! 


Watched about 10 episodes of Queer Eye. I love it so much. Especially when there is like a love story or something / happy ending because cheese.

so pure
Folded clothes, cut up some fruit, ate so many servings of mac and cheese, getting a bit obese, did the daily "what am I doing with my life" conversation with myself, procrastinated from doing VSA stuff.


Ohana reunion day!!
Lianne drove over to my house, Lulu trained it here (even though she has a car l m a o). Chilled at my house for about 5 minutes before we immediately got bored so we drove to Cabra for lunch at The Usual. The Korean Fried Chicken burger was bomb a f.
thanks lulu's photography skills
Then went grocery shopping for hot pot stuff. Dropped the stuff at home, went to Liverpool to buy some shit that we needed. Feng arrived. Got back home, started watching Kissing Booth. Joyce arrived then we had hotpot!!! Bought way too much food lol but it was good.
Had dessert at Mr Bingsoo at Little Saigon Plaza and it was a solid 9/10. 


fml finished Queer Eye now I am sad what do :(

spent most of the day doing nothing again. I am wondering whether I should start playing video games again. 


just ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh rn idk wats wrong with me sometimes


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