Friday 29 June 2018


I honestly respect people who can just end it all

Tonight has made me realise that alcohol really cannot solve any of my issues or maybe it was just because I wasn’t with the people I wanted to be with. Idk haven’t felt this shit in a while.

Only positive to come out of this night is that I caught up with Andy and he told me what is going on with his life and I’m sad I cant be honest with him and tell him whats going on with mine because he is actually so genuine and nice. We are very similar fucked up weak bitches.

Being a normal person and socialising and drinking I can’t do this idk why Jesus you made me like this because its honestly not worth it.

I’m scared to death that she might be it
that the love is real that the shoe might fit
she might just be my everything and

Oh hi Lilymaymac in your bigass glasses

Isnt it funny how u can think of someone one way and they think something completely differnet of u

I think its funny

But mostly sad


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