Thursday 14 June 2018

you make me this way

"you're irreplaceable"

thanks, son


our anat team got the highest poster score and the highest combined team quiz score (probs tied with other people) BUT YEEEEEEEEEEET.

this is the biggest banger was dancing to it at 8 am before Selz' exam BEST VIBES EVER
now time to study for anat which is so fun hehehe

seriously considering just staying at uni again lmao BUT NO gotta go home and shower i actually smell AND my yellow honey is so dirty from sleeping on the floor smh.

Anyway, as I said yesterday, stayed overnight with Alan and Selz. Selz was so focused it was kinda scary. I was studying till about 5 am and I tried to sleep but the moda legit just did not let me. I ended up napping for like half an hour before my mman exam but that plus the nap I took in the psych room yesterday is legit all the sleep I got in the past 2 days. Feel like I'm just gonna get a heart attack and honestly TAKE ME. the worst is over tho!!!

don't want the bad feels today and studying with VSA makes me v happy. Just went up to see them and it felt like a family with everyone dying but trying to pull through together.

studied with Amy and Stephen today because we both had MMAN. so much more intensely concentrated than vsa hHAHAHHA. Actual MMAN exam was O K. It could've gone a little better. Towards the end I was too ceebs to check my work and it ended up being wrong and I didn't have enough time to fix it cus it was too late by then ragrats BUT the thing I think I did wrong wasn't worth that many marks. so I will be ok :) nek minnit credit

learnt something 5 minutes ago

a study montage

why don't people just say what they mean smh


Was supposed to wake up at 3 am to learn the entire anatomy course... nek minnit wakes up at 7 am. bloody left myself 6 hours to cram HAHHA

Its ok tho. Exam was utterly fucked. I don't even know. The first MCQ I was actually sure of was like the 10th one. The long response questions were:

  1. Describe the path of the sperm from its creation to ejection from ze penis (15 marks) got the secretions from prostate and bulbourethral glands mixed up but besides that it was ok
  2. List the characteristics of a thoracic vertebrae?!?!? like wtf?!?! 7 marks I KNEW LIKE ALMOST NOTHING
  3. compare the histologically structure of the walls of the stomach and small intestine ( lol literally bs'ed my way through this so BAD.) 

FUCKING  l o l I just want this hell week to be over and for me to not be so sad anymore but yo when what used to made you happy just makes you sad ... now what do 

There is something seriously wrong with me I get so angry over little things that I shouldn't get angry at.

twitter really bitching about me today
it me
holy fucking ceebs

considering staying over at uni again today but uhhhhhhhh didn't get much sleep last time so I probs shouldn't lol.


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