Tuesday 14 November 2017

how do you solve a problem like SERENAAAAAA

Uh I've just been hit with the realisation that I am older than Liesl Von Trapp from Sound of The Music. Damn used to religiously rewatch that movie when I was younger now IM SO FUCKING AGED. The hills were alive!! They were alive goddamnit!!!!

Have woken up really late for the past 3 days because I really can't be stuffed studying for mechatronics. I am so screwed at this point and I only need 7/50 to pass so I should be OK??? nek minnit can't even get 7. I've never been this unprepared for an exam like this is way worse than ELEC cus I'm not even studying. Is there a reset button for this whole semester

Having more than 5 streaks at a time makes me nervous. Once i get 6 its like I'll definitely fuck it up cus I can't manage so many things.

Missed Manly & Maria's baby shower on Sunday because I wanted to study but didn't even end up studying that hard :(

Its the time of the night when you want to invite people over to your house just so they can stab you. 


The Neon Demon

Dir. Nicholas Winding Refn
Watched this on Sunday night with my sister and its hands down the weirdest thing I have ever seen. 

SPOILERS AHEAD (but I really doubt any of y'all are going to watch this)

It's about this young girl who moves to Los Angeles to begin her modelling career and she slowly becomes consumed by the narcissism deep within her and also ... some older jealous supermodels. They literally EAT her and bathe in her blood so they can absorb her beauty.
The first third of the movie was actually so boring but the last third... fuck me. I have never been so DISGUSTED IN MY LIFE I was like to my sis "I AM SO UNCOMFORTABLE RIGHT NOW". there's a scene where this chick is feeling lonely n dat so she has sex with a corpse WE WERE SHOOK. Oh and one of the evil models being overwhelmed with guilt throws up elle fanning's eyeball but then the other supermodel eats the regurgitated eyeball. 

I mean... I give this movie points for creativity l m a o.

I had a weird dream last night and I'm pretty sure it was because of this movie. dug the music though it was super super intense.
Still confused. Idk whether I liked it or not cus I feel like I was just trying to make sense of what I was seeing most of the time. In summary:

someone write an essay on this and lemme read it cus I have absolutely no HOT TAKES. 


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