Sunday 12 November 2017

just matthews things


My MATH2089 test on Friday was quite the tragedy. Not because I did badly but because I was so confident until the last half an hour. I had around 4 hours of sleep that day and my mind kept going in and out of focus idkk FUCK IT (cries on December 1st when I don't get my HD)

After my exam, I went to Matthews to chill with VSA. Went to the cosy playground room next door with lotsa couches and shit and was going to nap but ended up on Youtube. Jo and Amy Lim came in to yappppp whilst I was watching the Perfect music video. Honestly so excited for the Ed Sheeran concert!!! We tried to collectively nap but then Daniel Phu came in and started prodding Amy Lim for juicy deets on her tunez and we were both like
When he finally fucked off Amy and I had a mini dnm. Please teach me how to feel lonely only during Christmas time.

Phuc, Amy and I went to pick up maccas for dinner. Ate it whilst watching Stranger Things and lmao Lorna (the one from WIE) kept scabbing our fries and she kept saying how hungry she was so I offered her my second chicken n cheese since I wasn't that hungry but then I almost died during that interaction because she scares me so so so much like she could go up to me like "go die" and I'd fuck off and go die. 

Went back to study but I didn't do anything and just ended up calling Lizzie. We did an emotional intelligence quiz and look what I got. 
Doesn't matter thought because what I lack in emotional intelligence I make up for with actual intelligence
Was so exhausted yesterday I couldn't concentrate. Phuc drove us all home at 11:30. OMG IT WAS SO FUNNY BECAUSE PHUC STARTED TALKING ABOUT LIKE who invented reflective number plates AND THE TOPIC WAS SO SO SO DRY AND THEN JOANNE GAVE ME THIS LOOK AND WE WERE LIKE "It's not 2am yet".


Woke up at 1 pm because there's something wrong with me like actually deep down inside me there's some organ that is probably fucked making me need 10 hours of sleep to feel rested. Got pissed at my dad cus he insisted he was busy then went on to play with this new remote for the TV and I felt so bad for my mum cus she was going to wash the dishes after she cooked for so long so I washed them but I didn't stop making snarky comments to my dad AND MY FUCKING SISTER who was just playing video games 
Studied BIOM today, took frequent breaks to watch Rose and Rosie videos. They always manage to make me feel happy and FUCKING LONELY at the same time. Listened to Reputation, its aight. I like Don't Blame Me the best!!!!!! chorus is good but overall its still a pretty eh song

Me this afternoon: I'm having such a genuinely good time today by myself wow!! I FEEL HAPPY!!

if I don't acknowledge it, it'll go away XD XD XD XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

I didn't like this song at first now I love it

me irl when people ask me if I am ok
me on this blog


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