Thursday 9 November 2017

Khalid + studying things

we are so fucking cute IF I SAY SO MYSELF
Fright Night was the only time when I thought I took more photos than I actually did.


Went to uni to study at 11 ish. Stayed at library and was being very productive on my own until I got really bored at around 4. Went down to buy some sushi for lunch and bumped into Niiiiiiiiiina!! Had some chats and also bumped into Phuc. Met up with Selz and went to join VSA to "study" but I was so unproductive cus some of them were so fucking loud. Tried the really chilli cheetos and my mouth was on fire. Phuc drove us home at 10.  


Didn't learn my lesson at all. Phuc picked Amy Lim and I up in the morning to go to uni. Was about to go library to study by myself when Amy Lim was like "OMG WE'LL ACTUALLY STUDY TODAY!!"
Was kinda productive for a few hours and I finished all my math lectures but then Joanne came and it all went downhill from there. Was square box of friending with Lizzie at the same time and I think I distracted her too cus she stopped studying when I stopped studying HAHHA.

American Teen Tour

Khalid's concert was legitimately the best concert I've ever been to (I haven't been to many thoooo) BUT UGH IT WAS AMAZING!!! I also JUST found out he is only a month older than me. I thought he was at least 25 for some reason?? I was beyond shook when Amy Lim told me. All his songs make so much more sense now. 
Left uni with Amy Lim and Joanne and we went to get some Maccas before the concert. Also bumped into my ex-4u student Jennifer there!! Had a wholesome meal then ubered to Hordern Pavilion. 
Got there pretty early actually and we just chilled in the line for a while.  Amy and Joanne kept saying how they were sad and they were going to cry during the concert. I WAS LIKE DON'T BE SAD!!! We were supposed to chug Selina's Midori before we went in but she was taking too long to get there so we just went in anyway. Bought matching American Teen t-shirts hehe.
When we entered the actual concert venue, Joanne was like FUCK I WANNA DRINK so we bought some hella overpriced drinks. The opening acts were kinda shit and we wanted to get littt. Selz finally arrived with Jessie (my childhood friend from Carramar) and Peter in tow and they were all so lit cus they had to split the midori between just them 3.

A group of girls walked past when we were taking this and one of them was like "I can't afford THAT" I wanted to shout back I CAN'T EITHER
He's actually really really good at singing like most of the songs sounded exactly like the recorded versions. Also I couldn't see him very well because there were so many tall people in front of me BUT I DID NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK I DANCED MY DISEASED LITTLE HEART OUT AND WAS JUST FEELING THE MUSIC. I KEPT SCREAMING THE LYRICS AT JO AND WE WERE ALL JUST WERE HAVING THE BEST TIME. FUCKKKKKK I WANT TO GO AGAIN. FELT SO LOVEDddddddddDdDdDdddd

The best song was Young Dumb and Broke which he sang at the very very end and I danced so hard and screamed so loud I was physically exhausted by the last chorus. I CAN'T EVEN EXPLAIN HOW EUPHORIC IT WAS. 
When it was such a happy night then she sends this in the group chat

i love life atm

Studying thoughts...

my favourite thing I have seen on all of tumblr

Not much to blog about. Studying BIOM, trying to do a bit of maths. Feel like I haven't gotten drunk in a really long time and I wanna get drunk grrrrrrrr
tb to our prayer circle before English HSC

Khalid is tomorrow night!!! 
I'm studying for BIOM9420 rn and its legit the second subject in all of my university life that I've had to write notes for kms. Midnight Train is my favourite on The Thrill of It All. It's so sad :(

one of my primary school friends is getting married....... what the fuckaroo?!?

I'm so excited for this!!!!!!!!!! 


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