Wednesday 1 November 2017

3rd day without leaving my house

I have had the same breakfast for 3 days in a row now because my parents DON'T FEED ME. 
Scrambled eggs with whatever ham is in the fridge, fried with some honey to spice it up, then half a bread roll and my morning black tea with condensed milk. My tastebuds are getting so bored. 

It has recently dawned on me that uni is going to be over soon... already 2 years in and there's only 3 years to go before we have to work for the rest of our lives. I'm just like wtf is this what life is about??  Life is too long da fuq am I going to do for the next 60-70 years. 

hmmmmmm i love this song
Current mood: ok with life because I love mi friendos and also I have finals which is better than actual uni because its just studying things instead of doing assignments. and I'm at home most of the time. also stranger things is so fucking good. 

I'm a little insensitive sometimes.

whacked 1700 on tumblr today even though its dead

Things I need to get better at next year:


How did I become such a lazy shit. Was helping Kevin with maths and I sent him a booklet of harder 3U questions that I had compiled over weeks and weeks of study for HSC and like it just hit me how far i have fallen. (also I'm really bad with grammar as many people have pointed out FUCK OFF (@LIANNE) OK this is a safe place). I think I thought I was lazy back then though. So I'm just slowly getting worse. I need to go to my lectures :(

Social retardedness

tbh haven't hated myself about this for a while now even though I had a weird awkward convo at tutoring but still 100% sure there's something wrong with me cus I can't get kids to listen to me lmao. This is going to be a constant struggle until the day I quit Jimmys for good. Had a fun day tutoring my year 8 today. She's so funny and she has a cat that kept biting me (apparently playfully) but it really hurt I was just like ha ha its ok oooh funsies! 

Did I tell you my life has come full circle??!?!?! When I was in year 4, Jimmy first started tutoring my cousin and I in his garage when it was just the two of us. Then we moved to the shitty granny flat in front of his house when our class got bigger. Now I'm teaching my kid (who is Jimmy's niece), in the new house he rebuilt in place of the granny flat!!!!!!! I'm shooketh. Its literally in the driveway of the garage he used to teach us in. and there used to be a basketball hoop there that we practiced with before class started. good memssssssss

Not disliking people

I've realised there's certain people I really want to notice me and others who I really don't care about at all. and its really mean so I needa stop but idk how. Cus around the time I made myself think I had no personality I also got confused about normal human emotions like hating people because I thought there was something wrong with me first. Kinda hard to explain. 

Stop blogging so much nonsense

see previous point

Get out thereeeeeeee and not let fear stop me from doing things I want to do

I need to try new things more often and get the fuck outta my house. Not to be one of those *those* people but if I didn't put aside my fear of doing interviews and gone for VSA I would've had a much more depressing year. I mean it started off bad with retreat and me feeling outta place and literally the worst feelings of social anxiety and inadequacy i have ever felt in my life @amy @stephen when I called you that night (certain I wrote a very dark blog post about it) but I could not have imagined my year without the viets (should I say viets and chineses because tbh half of us are chinese).  

I am not sad this is just what goes on in my head sometimes. I'm feeling very content on this day!!!!

Niina is trying to bait me into watching Riverdale. Soz but I'd be a garbage truck driver if I wanted to watch trash all day. 

Ok its time to go I kinda have an exam I can't fuck up on Friday u g h 

Stranger Things 2 

Update!!! I FINISHED STRANGER THINGSSSS. It was very very good. Felt like the storyline last season was more interesting but overall it was still super addictive. Steve is such a baby now. HAHAHAH such character development he deserves someone who will love and appreciate him (who is not Nancy).
Random thoughts:
  • that Ghostbusters photoshoot was so cute and Lucas' sister needs to be in the show more
  • I ship Eleven and Mike so hard for some reason (more than I did last season)
  • feels bad for Will's actor because his character always needs rescuing and he can't hang with the other kids
  • oh god I just went on Finn Wolfhard's twitter and his voice has broken this is so weird he sounds like a man
  • Winona Ryder exudes such kindness and I want her be my mum
  • I don't know another show with such iconic characters. honestly they will be iconic. such a wholesome show for both kids and adults I'm asdfhagjhlakjdfhl
  • dustin was so annoying this season when he lied about keeping Dart I was like THERE'S ONLY ONE FUCKING RULE JFC. FRIENDS DON'T FUCKING LIE.
this tweet


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