Tuesday 21 November 2017

they'll never take our freedom


Stayed at home and had a WIESoc Skype meeting and was bored outta my mind because lets be real arc delegate doesn't do ANYTHING well at least if the society is structured like WIESoc where VP's take care of all the events. Watched First Daughter and The Big Wedding. Both were pretty bad but in a good way. First Daughter was one of the movies I watched as a kid and completely forgot about. It was sooooo over dramatic but still cute. 


Went temple for the first time in ages. Everytime I go I feel like such a sham. I'm not really buddhist so I end up just waving my incense sticks at the statues thinking about how stupid I look. My mum was like "talk to grandpa so he can increase your exam marks" and I was like "uhh I already did all my exams" and she was like "don't worry he can still go and change your answers for you". Saw Fi from sghs above grade when we went to aldi and had a catch up!!! She literally hasn't changed. Still super laid back and chill about everything.

Taught Lily some similar triangles and financial maths ew. 

Went drinking with Elizabeth after Niina flaked us grrrrrr. We bought some takeaway rice bowls from Mappen, two fat lambs and went to the alley to eat and drink like the classy people we are. We were like halfway through the fat lambs when Viv from VSA showed up with some of her SGHS friends and they were all starting to get lit and someone was like "who is that" @ me, and Viv was like "STATE RANK ENGINEERING YEAH THE SYDNEY GIRLS!!!!" and started singing our school song HAHAHAHA. So cringe but was too lit to care. 
Liz and I were sooooo late to Riya's birthday because on the way there we stopped to sit on some random stairs and had a chill dnm about gay marriage, family and probably other things that I don't remember. I was feeling a little depresso espresso that night as well. Rocked up to Riya's party at Canvas Bar and Lizzie chundered in the bathroom ytb. Went back to the party where some white people were making speeches and took some selfies with the disposable cameras lying around (isn't that such a good idea for a party to buy lotsa disposable cameras so people can jsut take their own photos??). Were pretty bored so we left and met up with Andy outside QVB. Went to eat some KFC and then went to Town Hall station where I drunk called Amy and had a good ol' sob fest l m a o. HAHAHA I JUST REMEMBERED WHEN I USED TO GET DRUNK I ALWAYS CALLED AMY and could feel the judgement through da phone.

Took the train home with 3/4 of Khalid Masters then got walked home by my sis. 
She was watching To Kill A Mockingbird at home and I finished watching it with her even though I was quite tipsy. I don't remember it being such a sad story :( tbt to Year 9 English when we had to make a website on it and I complained about staying up to 3 to finish it when I do dat shit all the time now. 

got my Hep A booster so I should be good for a another ten years. Note to self in 10 years time (17th November 2017) you needa get another shot. Also need another typhoid shot on 2nd September 2019.


Woke up in the morning to chunder loool. Took the train to Bankstown then had to drive Amy's expensive af Mini Cooper home because she didn't bring her license. Was so scared for the first 5 mins and was trying to get used to the indicator being on the left side. I accidentally flicked the windscreen wipers on so many times and Amy was just trying not to laugh at me so I wouldn't freak out even more. 

Chilled at Andy's house whilst she was tutoring him and I watched half of Jenna's 45 min long fish explanation video and was dying at how much compassion she has. 

Drove back to Amy's house and she forced me to watch so many Little Mix videos. We had a 3 hour DEEP SLEEP!!! Woke up and wanted food but Stephen was tutoring late so we STARVED until 10 pm. He picked us up to go pancakes on the rocks and we had ribs and steak. Used my parents $50 voucher but we still had to pay $18 O_O 

top photography from me
Went back to Amy's house, started watching Definitely Maybe but then her net died so we watched The Neon Demon. HAHAHAAHAH the necrophilia was a bit too much for Amy. Slepttttttttt.


Had wholesome breakfast and watched some Gilmore Girls. Showed Amy some Rose and Rosie and she got so digusted cus they are Fifth Harmony stans. Went to Hursy to get her eyebrows threaded then I went homeeeeeee
Met Lizzie at carramar station cus she was returning my sister's boots HAHAHA so random to see this golden girl in caramel village. we just chatted for like 10 mins before we had to leave cus I had work. I dropped her off at Fairfield where she took another like 1.5 hr trip home r i p. Homework help which was super chill today. 

Then went to have drinks with Carramar Kids + Roxie, Manly and Maria. Just drank a couple of beers/ciders and caught up. Maria is about to pop and Roxie is still a hippie. She got a new job working on an SBS documentary. Manly studying a course in ultrasound now how c000oo00ool!! Yuan is still experimenting at home with random things and he just borrowed my breadboard O_O Nancy still sucks.
Went home, watched half of Braveheart. 

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