Friday 17 November 2017



Slept 3 hours the night before my MTRN2500 exam. Was really ceebs because I was so screwed that there was no point in me studying anymore. Only needed 7/50 to pass. Trained to Central, bought the yumm0 cheese, beef and bacon pie (I'm a regular there now lmao the two cafe ladies say good morning. Don't judge my pie tastes ok). Actual exam was so aids - I basically skipped 15 marks because I didn't know what to do and the other 35 marks were a lil shaky. BUT it could've been a lot worse. Saw so many 3rd year optom students like Lisa, Brendon, Sheila and Angel all STRESSING  because they were next to us and their exam was super long, meanwhile all MTRN students were just sitting and staring at the questions to try and find the memory leak in the code. I was just thinking... UH THIS LOOKS RIGHT TO ME???

Left my exam early and went outside, jumped on my phone and found out the Yes vote won!!! Was happy but also not really because everyone kind of knew that ~60% were already in favour so it wasn't much of a surprise. What WAS a surprise was how homophobic Western Sydney is lmao the electorates around me all voted No with Blaxland having the highest No percentage O_O what a world we live in. Never seen so many rainbows on my feed
Q: What were you doing when same-sex marriage sorta got legalised?
A: Struggling to overload the >> constructer so that when os >> Aircraftdata is called, the data is read into an output file.


Had lunch with Mei, Stephen and Rachel Feng (yes random I know but she was free). Went to Law Lib to finish typing notes then went to Civil Design Studio to study BIOM with Niina. I was so behind compared to her like I left all my memorising for one day which was a bad idea. 

Walked back to her house, got a coffee along the way and there were a record number of "wanting to die" jokes made. I LOVE HER HOUSE ITS SO SPACIOUS AND CLEAN AND EVERYTHING IS SO COORDINATED legit house goals + ONLY A 20 MIN WALK FROM UNI i was living

Met her doggo, "Linny" which Niina informed me was a combination of "little" and "niina".... I mean if you really can't come up with anything better 
Her doggo is cute though and kept trying to hump my leg whilst I was studying and so I had to lift my feet off the ground to avoid being violated. We were sososososo productive. The most productive I've been the whole sem because when you have 1 day to study the entire course for a 70% exam, you kinda gotta hustle. We had chicken, chips and salad for dinner and finished watching Hitch. WAS CUUUUUTE.  
so nice to have a study buddy who never procrastinates :) we took one break besides the dinner break and that was for like 10 mins. Slept at 3 but couldn't really fall asleep for a while. Also niina is like a ghost when she sleeps... she don't make any sounds?? not sure if still alive??? 


We woke up at 6:30, crammed a little whilst eating some crackers with some whackass olive dip / sour cream and then bussed to racecourse. Actual exam was not that bad. I defs lost marks for some of the long answer ones but I made it up by (probably???) doing the long calc question right. Its the only exam this block that I felt ok after. 

Went home and departed sad Niina cus she still had another exam to go.  She's going to motivate me to go to 9am PHSL lectures next year cus if either of us miss one, we have to buy the other person a coffee. 

took a 4 hour nap when I got home then got picked up by an angery selz and a scared joanne because apparently jo was bad at navigating. so i had to sit in the front and navigate but according to Selz I was shit cus I wasn't giving her enough warning. Cracked up and just accused her of being a shitty driver. But then we unanimously agreed that Phuc was the worst driver in the committee. 

Picked up Amy Lim and then went to Big W where we walked around, pointed at things and laughed. Went to Woolies and bought snacks then the disappointments began. We went to 7/11 to get the lychee slurpeee but then they didn't have it so we went to Caltex to get the frozen Oak but they didn't have it either so we had to settle with Maccas :'( WHAT HAPPENED TO NEVER SETTLING?!?! Selz and Amy both got happy meals so we made the two Yoshi toys have happy time. Roasted Joanne so hard for saying "omg I wanna watch the movie with the sad train". wdym THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE? THE POLAR EXPRESS? HUNGER GAMES? nononon SHE MEANS HARRY POTTER.

Went back to Amy's house where we spent like 4 hours just chilling. We judged so hard when Jo accidentally sat on Amy's Winnie the Pooh plushie and Amy was so upsetttt she started hugging and comforting it. My stomach hurt so much from laughing when I saw the THICC seal. Played Drunk Stoned or Stupid and it was mostly just bashing everyone in our committee. Stalked peoples facebooks, gossiped about VSA and played some exploding kittens.

tbh feeling so lucky Khalid group are actually a group now because we can have these spontaneous chill times at night. I still don't know why any of them wanna be friends with me.

tfw you got into VSA for "developmental reasons" ie. validation that my social skills are just a bit lacking HAHAHAH. I'm like lowkey salty but yenno what I'll take it because otherwise I wouldn't have met these whackos. 

fucking blind bitch Selina "accidentally" dropped me off at the wrong townhouse and I would tell her to get new glasses but if they were any thicker they would drop off her face. 
Don't want to go to sleep because I don't wanna be alone with my thoughts tonight. Was super happy now I'm overthinking the developmental reasons thing what's new aye


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