Wednesday 28 February 2018

I'm handling uni very well

little things make me so happy but also so sad

here's to oversharing.

sad things

  • got so depresso randomly about being useless in WIE like literally so sad
  • project project project there is no progress fmd
  • Mary Magdalene is getting pretty shitty reviews 

happy things

  • selz and jo were planning a hot pot night for VSA on Friday but it was going to double as my mini party and they were gna buy cake (can't go though cus they forgot I wasn't free HAHHAHAHA so dumb) but my heart is legit so warmed after feeling sad for most of the day
  • lizzie gave me something to do for WIE so I'm 1% less useless
  • Potatoes are spending time with me 2 TIMES IN ONE WEEK and idk what kinda paper mache shit Niina is planning but I'm keen to see it
  • I'm watching Love, Simon on Sunday!!!!!!
  • late night catch ups with Selina Le Khac 
  • Mardi Gras with Amy on Saturday so excited ITS GOING TO BE SO FUN!! 
  • Rooney has come out of her cave

interesting how things have changed aye

ANYWAY, woke up at 12 today, idk how to day passed but it did and I went to tutor Lily and now its 1:40 am. How was your day folks?

y'alls ever feel like it'll take one little thing to flip you over the edge into a really dark place?  ytb


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