Sunday 18 February 2018



There's this lost cat in Marickville called Skwizgaar and like Ellene Win storied the lost poster and I thought the name was so funny so I just started JOKINGLY calling my cat Skwizgaar in snaps. Nek minnit Ellene messages me like "you know there's a cat missing in Marickville called Skwizgaar" and I'm just like
you think I stole a fucken cat?

I couldn't sleep night before last night so I did a blogilates workout at 5 am.

Ice skaters work so hard I'm totally in awe. Like really wow. An inside look into the lives of two of the best figure skaters in the world. Rooting for these twoooooo OoOO go gang GO
Fucked up lol I said I was available for some WIE filming thing on Saturday but turns out I have a family CNY thing (bai nien?? directly translates into pray year where I have to visit relos and get red pockets lmao). My mum is so so so mad.

Took the annual townhouse photos. Can't wait to see how our derps turned out. Mum wanted me to wear a dress but I was ceebs so she gave me this dog shirt instead and idk didn't get the memo but apparently everyone had dog shirts?? lmao this is an awful photo
Went out with Khalid Masters yesterday for dinner and "chill drinks". It was supposed to be a State team thing but it died because one of the Melbourne people lost her wallet? Idk. I wasn't gna drink to save money but lol ended up getting 3 vodka sunrises then chugging Ellene's long island and drinking half a fat lamb. I WASN'T GNA FKN DRINK TO SAVE MONEY but like Selina bought me a drink n then after that I was like FK IT already downed one might as well. Spent $25 on alcohol though which is less than usual.
expenditure breakdown 2017/2018

Jo got sad so Selina won her a teddy from Kobow's claw machine. Went to Star Bar (even though grandma Amy was tired) and had such a fun time dancing. Star Bar music is so good love it but too many creeps. How weird is it when you're drunk like you're having the best time of your life but you're also aware its all a fallacy.
Fk never seen cocaine before and I was so shook. It was in such a cute little bag and like apparently it cost $250 for that tiny bag??? IDK but like no way I was touching that stuff and it was so janky as well. They were just doing it on someone's phone using their ID to form it into lines and they were so drunk as well. don't do drugs kids.

Took the train home with Jo and Amy and got home at like 1:30, played with Oreo until 3 ish and "went to bed" but I think I Youtubed and didn't sleep until ages later?? IDK man I'm so tired now like this ain't enough sleep how tf am I going to make 9 am lectures if I can't even do 11:30.


Short term memory a f cus I didn't remember that I blogged that even though it was this morning. Maybe I was still drunk.

Anyway, today I woke up way too early to go film the WIE IMP video. Full had to borrow my sister's skirt cus I own nothing professional. Anyway, got to main walkway and was greeted by Naomi, Theresa and Lizzie. It was actually easier than I expected cus the whole video was muted so we didn't have lines or anything. But we had to look like we were talking. Lizzie and I did our awkward handshake so so so many times cus the ~cinematographer~ had to get it from multiple angles. HOPE IT TURNS OUT GOOD but I'm 100000% sure I'll look so awkward.

I haven't been replying to this guy called Abraham for so long and then I saw him today and he called me out for it WHEN WE WERE FILMING like we were supposed to be in the background just talking so he was talking about retreat and was like "yeah that's why you have to answer my messages". I was so shook. Got our polos today!! Rip paulino though

Met up with Niina at her hairdressers where she was getting her frizzy roots treated HAHAHA idk what I did for so long like I was there for almost 3 hours? She's such a useless Japanese like goes back to Japan to visit relatives but not to do touristy things?!?!

Went to Spice Alley and she just watched me eat ramen cus she wasn't hungry. It was pretty good ramen. MISS RAMEN ALREADY UGH SO OILY N GOOD. Spice Alley had a special CNY thing where everyone for some reason brought their dogs?? Like there were dogs everywhere and this pen where you could dress up your dog in CNY clothing. Plus traditional chinese street performers wer doing their thing outside of KOI it was so ~cultural~
making use of snapchat's multiple lines
Here are some shit photos of some yummy desserts. The white one was like some berry thing that was super yummy. The jar thing was matcha tiramisu which was aight. It was very wet??? LIKE IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE LOL the lady fingers were soaked in rosewater instead of coffee so I was not a fan. It sounded so nice though :'( Saw mini celebrity Reynold again. Surprised running his own business hasn't worn him out yet.
had a good meeting with Precious over Skype and got to know her better. She's actually super #real and funny HAHAH. So organised though which scares me but yo hopefully that makes me work harder and do better!
Showed her Skwizgaar and slugs. LOVE SKWIZGAAR SO MUCH AFTER SHE'S EATEN LMAO SHE FULL GIVES ME SO MUCH AFFECTION. comes for the food stays for the company XD
fk digging myself into so much shit rn fk fk fk FUCK

I just want to see how beautiful you are. You know that I see it. I know you're a star. Where you go I follow, no matter how far. If life is a movie, then you're the best part.

song lyrics sound so lame when you're just reading them.


unrelated but
Alicia Vikander's career after she won best supporting actress

5 Love Languages
dunno anyone who has receiving gifts as their first one cus i dont think anyone is that materialistic


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