Monday 19 February 2018

pottery is not sexy


Woke up bright n early at 12 pm today. Had a wholesome breakfast and caught up on men's figure skating then took a shower, organised some marketing shiz n suddenly it was time for my train.

Met up with Niina at Central to go to our pottery class at The Pottery Shed. We basically got scammed because we signed up for it not knowing there were a total of 3 CLASSES TO GO TO before you got your finished pot product. Other WIESoc people came (Abe, Nancy Z, Jane, Viv, Riya, Teresa) and it was supposed to be a bonding kinda thing but like everyone was so so so focused on making sure their piece of clay didn't turn into a turd that there wasn't much time for talking. One of our instructors is studying ceramics engineering at UNSW how fitting lol
Anyway "throwing" (where you shape your clay into your desired shape whether it be a cylinder, bowl or vase) is actually pretty hard HAHAHA. The key is to make sure your clay is centred at the beginning otherwise when you start pulling the sides up it'll be really wobbly. There's this stage called coning where you have to pull your block of clay up into a cone and everyone kept making their clay too pointy so when we had to push it back down, the tip snapped off. People were waving around half-penises lmao.
Wet clay feels so nice though. Couldn't make full penises because our instructors were watching us too closely :(
 (left) superior pots, (right) a hat and a cube?
... and Niina had the audacity to name her pieces "Serena has no talent".

Went to dinner at Erciyes again and fk the dips are so good gna have them for breakfast tomorrow. 
Got to know Teresa and Abe better. Abe is such a chill dude and I feel like he has more skills than what a HR director needs to have? Teresa is so like outspoken and a very driven person but pretty funny as well. She knows what she wants and will fkn get it. Didn't know her boyfriend was the cameraman from yesterday's IMP filming and didn't know he was engsoc's marketing director and didn't know he was responsible for making their amazing cover photos such as THE FUCKING FRIGHT NIGHT VIDEO ONE OMG I legit spent so long today trying to research Youtube for the easiest way to recreate it. I've made it my mission to learn After Effects by the end of this year cus its so cool.

Anyway, its 2am and I just finished writing up my marketing strategy for VSA State Ball. Sweating in Niina's room cus its like 24 degrees but theres no ventilation. Still need to do some Project stuff and have to wake up for O-Week tmr so adios amigos.

Also Lucy is LITERALLY niina's next door neighbour lol Niina said she used to invite Lucy to her house cus she wanted to be her friend and they bonded over Taylor Swift


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