Friday 23 February 2018



(ha ha hahaahah she's just joking friends)

I haven't changed my profile picture for over two years at this point... the nervousness you feel when you update your dp must be the same thing as when you upload a promo post. ANYWAY pls support me and like my post thx
Woke up automatically after a 2 hour nap turned into a 10 hour nap. ANYWAY, got to uni, helped out with WIE afternoon tea. I thought it was gna be hella awkward but it actually was kinda fun. Like you know that feel when you're alone in a room and everyone else is socialising with their friends or whatever? Its me at any networking event l m a o. Well that was the afternoon tea except my job was to rescue those people. 

I MET SO MANY FIRST YEARS LIKE WTFFFF some were super shy and like cute and others were so open and asking me for tips to get through uni. Met some SGHS and we started bitching about teachers (they got Mccrossin too HAHHAHA she tries though... ). We got so so so many sign ups omfg. BUT NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE SIGNING UP THROUGH ORGSYNC!!

ANYWAY, it was a fun time. 

Went back to the stall but there were so many (white) volunteers today meaning I had to do nothing so I wandered around O-Week again with Lucy and Aileen. Took some more photobooth photos and bought my BESS shirt. Saw Stephen being depressed at redback it was quite funny.

Then went back up, found Niina and then walked around again whilst she ate her weird healthy lunch. I ate free instant noodles lmao. Rly don't remember what happened.

OH RIGHT went to Hilmer to do my marketing post then went Cabra and tutored Lily.

I jsut realised that new memories like take up the space of old ones... like you gotta delete shit so you make space for the new shit


Made breakfast for my mum again. Dad went outside and took this stellar pic of O reo.
Met up with Jason at Central, went to Samuels to get BESS stuff and then set up the stall. I left about 5 mins in because I was bored and went to get multiple razors and shampoo bottles. SO GOOD OMG HAHAHA everyone at BESS must think I'm so flaky. Saw Lianus who is too busy being a top notch yellow shirt to stay still for more than 2 minutes. Met some guy called Jono from SBHS? he knew kylie and feng idk. Then met up with Lizzie and Phuc and we played archery tag!! I whacked my arm one time with the bowstring and like it hurt so much. 

Went back to man WIE stall and got sooooo many signups for a Thursday. Met Brenda, Lizzie and Phuc for quick lunch and then went down to the WIE stall with Brenda so she could meet some of the team. KEEN to have her in our HR Subcomm wooooh. Ended the day with 412 new members!! Chatted with Abe about retreat things and i basically told him to hurry up AHAHHA.


My emotions are legit so retarded sometimes I'm like fine one minute then one thing triggers me which is weird because I was talking to Amy and I was totally fine and then she got triggered and then I got triggered by something else kinda unrelated and idk man

My birthday has me stressed because I have never had more than one group of people who want to celebrate with me before which is like k00l because like yay friends but also not yay because idk when everyone is free and trying to accommodate for everyone is a fucking logistical nightmare ok.


Update: it is now the next day and I have recovered from my stress. Everything is going to be ok.


very interesting


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