Friday 16 February 2018

dream job


Day number 573.

Stranded at home. 

Inventoried the refrigerator multiple times.

Food running out.

Don't know if I'll make it.

Feed Skwizgaar.

I'm going to become a business woman on Redbubble designing quality content (stickers n tees) for angsty teens if my engineering career fails. Made my first design today and hopefully someone will want to buy it XD considering whether i should advertise this on tumblr and honestly the only thing thats stopping me is Canada's judgement 🤔. ok fuck it yolooOooOoOooOoO

I'm so excited for Bachelor in Paradise. I need to see faves Tara and Florence and o m g they even got Lisa and Laurina back?? There are too many clashing personalities in the house though. Keira has gotten even more botox since her last appearance and she looks awful her face can hardly move anymore. She's so oblivious and annoying I can't wait for her to get eliminated first. I've watched every single Bachelor/Bachelorette season except for Sophia Monks and half of Tim's so seeing all these rejects made me nostalgic. Seeing as I've got so much time on my hands, I will watch the entire Sophie Monk season!! Is my interest in this franchise the weirdest and most unexpected thing about me?

fk ceebs as fuck... scrolling through instagram during Valentine's Day is a nightmare


Woke up to my first sale on Redbubble. Someone bought my sticker for $2.62 and guess what? I made a whopping... wait for it ... $0.43!!!! Thats a whole 43 cents I didn't have before.
Woke up disorientated at 1:30 pm today (what's new) and then spent like 4 hours cleaning my room? I made a new cupboard for my light remote under my desk for the lols and am probably going to end up getting annoyed at it and pull it apart later. 

Then had CNY dinner with my fam. My mum just made some stir fried noodles which were pretty yummy after a shitload of tobasco sauce was added. Played with cat, did a whole lotta nothing and started watching "A Man Called Ove" on Netflix with my sis.

Cousins called us out to go watch the fireworks at the temple as we always do. Every year I forget how loud the fireworks are O_O. It shakes you to your core. LOVE FIREWORKS WHEN THEY'RE THAT LOUD OMG. I legit think this is the closest you can get to fireworks anywhere because the safety regulations around the temple are very very lax. The third or fourth firework that went off exploded on the fucking ground and the sparks started a fire in the nearby forest. After the fireworks ended this guy in front of us was like "you ever wonder where world hunger comes from?"

Went to Maccas later for classic chicken n cheese frozen coke combo, then went home. Now fast forward 3 hours later and it is 4:24 am. I spent the whole night making two new designs on Redbubble and also doing absolutely nothing. 

I feel personally attacked by this tweet 

ouchy ouch this movie was dogshit
and on that note there's a new Mary Magdalene trailer looks boring a f but WHATEVER see y'all other trash loving filmgoers on March 22nd XD

I need to get a job at a movie theatre so I can get free movie posters fml but I'm like I shouldn't apply now because I have O-Week next week then uni the rest of the time so idk what to dooOooOoOo


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