Sunday 23 October 2016

progress on my Pokedex

So feeling very existential/exhausted today I was talking to my co-worker and I was complaining like I want a job where you don't have to think about it when you get home and he was like "lol that's not teaching".
Tutored 8B class and lol idk I'm so tired of it idk I have no like for it at all. I am making myself miserable. 

I'm a complete mess and not fit for tutoring I'm such a bad teacher and literally make no sense most of the time, I put zero effort in getting to know the students because I'm scared they're going to be too noisy and like seriously not made for this life.

I am the worker and not a leader. 

I have gotten my Stage 1 and Stage 2 functions working with relatively little struggle HAHAHA which is so weird for me for COMP. 


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