Friday 14 October 2016


Ummmmm so last night I got a lil too drunk but not that drunk because I actually remember like everything.

Worked on filming BIOM group project yesterday morning  it was pretty fun lol. The concept is a cringey infomertial trying to sell implanted drug delivery systems. I think its going to be entertaining but also not very informative. Oh well. I'll edit it over the weekend.

Then met up with the drinking society at Whitehouse yet again 🤗 I didn't get anything but ended up eating Lianne's nachos because she's a mouse and ate like 1/5 of it.

Then Feng, Joyce and I went lib to chill. Didn't do any work because I didn't have a red pen to mark with lmao.

We went to Chem Sciences building to change into our Oktoberfest outfits.
Were not drunk yet so we we were so hesitant in going outside. Plus it was fucking freezing. Then we went to physics lawn and got our wristbands hahaha we were so awkward bcus didn't know anyone there. Anywayyyy started drinking the unlimited punch + german beers they offered and yeh got a lot more relaxed.
Hung with Phuc's group because I can only ever socialise with them when I'm drunk (wowzers I've got some issues or im just a bitchz). It was really fun lmao. I think I had 6ish drinks on the lawn because after a while they stopped marking the wristband. Met this funny dude called Bennet I doubt he remembers me. Ugh and Jing its a no from me.

Anyways got really drunk on the lawn, needed to pee so I went bathroom with Brenda, Liz and Niina but we were all so gone so everyone was screaming in the bathroom and I was like I CANT PUT MY SUSPENDERS BACK ONNNNNNNNNN and they helped me clip it back on but idk if they even did it properly. At least I still have my suspenders UNLIKE JOYCE srs how do you lose suspenders??

Then idk what happened next but all of a sudden we were walking towards the party bus but we had to wait for someone so we all started rolling around in the grass and laughing like crazy.  Niina kept saying I was a great actor and I was like HAHAHAHAHAHA

Um then we got on the party bus and I was so damn amazed. The party bus was a normal bus on the outside BUT on the inside there were like disco lights and party music blasting. The seats were also along the side so there was space in the middle to dance. We danced for like half the trip bcus the driver started playing not that great music. Also some girl started twerking on us (the one on the left in the picture with the glasses)
Then we got to The Med which they booked out just for the party and yah pretty chill club it was a good amount of people all dancing and stuff. We got two free drinks upon entrance and like apparently they were really strong but I was so gone I didn't notice so I sculled them really quickly.

NEK MINNIT IM FACE DOWN ON A TABLE, THE WORLD IS SPINNING MY HEAD FUCKING HURTS AND JING HAS HIS ARM AROUND ME like wtf. I wasn't that weirded out in the moment bcus yenno drunk so I was kinda like watevs. THEN TIME JUMP and I get up and dance and when I go back to the table Joyce is making out with him????? AND I REMEMBER TELLING SOMEONE "THATS SO GROSS". Later on i even confronted him like why were you making out with Joyce?!?! And he said "why did you want me to make out with you" and I was so offended like ew no.

Then another time jump idk what happened in that club. Andy lost his phone and he called it with someone elses phone but he couldn't communicate properly with the person who picked up so I talked to the guy for him and I was like "WE'RE ON THE RIGHT WE'RE ON THE RIGHT!!!!" which literally made zero sense. Andy found his phone in the end so all g.

Left pretty early with Phuc because we were both getting off at ffld.
Uneventful train ride he was doing his MMAN tute thats how sober he was lmao.
I on the other hand could not sit up straight. Dad picked us up and Phuc was like "do you want me to pretend I'm gay" HAHAHAHA. Phuc got dropped off and my dad said his house was really big but I don't remember. Then when I got home I was feeling pretty sick and I was just sitting in my room when I felt the vomit come up and I ran to the bathroom with mi hand over my mouth but I was too late and some of the vomit spilled out lol. My dad was like um why is ur vomit orange??

Woke up at 8 today literally way too early. I was hungover affff I actually got up at 6 to keep vomiting HAHAHAHAHA.

Went to uni to finish filming our BIOM thing. i just realised i spelt camera wrong
 Went to algebra tute and didn't listen again. He didn't even mark the roll so I basically wasted my time. Then met up with Selena and Mevena for lunch at quad lawn and chilled. I was bitching to Selena then Francis came randomly because he made a bet with his friends he could get a girl's number so I had to pretend I didn't know him. so strange omfg. BUT HE JOINED IN OUR BITCH SESSION AND WAS LIKE OMFG HE'S SUCH A DICK HAHAHAHAHAHA

ANYWAY saw FD and Michelle Jusmin randomly.

I obviously didn't remember everything because I added Jing on Snapchat on fb last night and I didn't remember. Oh well.


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