Thursday 6 October 2016

when you really want JB tickets

HAHAHAHAHAHA there is so much support for Lulu and her biebs.

Sorry for the erratic blogging schedule. There's so many uni tests/assignments and not even going to get started with how much Jimmy shit there is to do....

Went sleepover at Amy's house :) I gave her the battery pack I got her from China and she was she kept roasting it like every time it turned off she would be like "omg I'm disappointed". I started tutoring Kevin for Year 12 and it is getting so real. like omg he is actually doing his HSC and I'm going to be partially responsible for how well he does in chem. I cannot.

I made her procrastinate so much. We watched heaps of new Voice US additions and I introduced her to Brave Wilderness. Its my new Youtube obsession. All of his video thumbnails seem like clickbait BUT THEY ACTUALLY AREN'T...

Ye tried to fall asleep holding hands with Lianne's hair tie binding our hands together but we woke up next day with our hands separated. Must try handcuffs next time.
Went to uni today and we ran into Amy's optom friend (she has a bajillion) at Hursy station. So awks I seriously don't know how to talk like a normal human being I feel so uncomfortable IN EVERY SITUATION. Then sat in MATSOC building to hopefully make some progress on my MMAN lab. But got sidetracked on Youtube for an hour then Stephen came and he got sidetracked too. I gave him his charger too and he couldn't open the case so then he googled how to open plastic box and crazy russian hacker popped up then Stephen was inspired and ripped it open. Then Amy called me out to eat GYG with her other optom bestie Louise and I just don't know what to do all the time I can't make friends. 

Now I'm still at MATSOC building sitting behind Amy and her optom friends feeling awkward but it all G. How can people just laugh and not think stupid thoughts. 

Anyway, I'm totally screwed. I got a 74 for my last report and I have no idea what I did wrong srs. So probs going to get the same for this one having no idea what I'm doing wrong then just be sad. Its so many no's from me. 

What else MET UP WITH FD YESTERDAY! Didn't do much lol we bought some eggettes, milk tea and I dropped her off at her auntie's to get a haircut. 

On a side note, Bachelorette last night was kinda boring. She overreacted to Courtney tanking the stupid archery thing. I hope Lee wins but he's so much older than her. Cam seems nice but also kind of a smooth talker. I fucking hate Rhys he needs to stop with his lame ass poetry. Also the new intruder with the guitar playing seems cool and they get along a little too well. Maybe he researched that she likes musical theatre O_O. 

Sorry there is nothing more interesting to talk about. Have so little real life friends I must talk to the cyber world and hope one day I can become a computer so I won't have to pretend I'm a human.

"Reach higher" Stephen said yesterday. haha back when I had belief in myself I could achieve things. 
Comfort zone being at home. In my bed. By myself. Where no one can see me.


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