Saturday 22 October 2016

Um 25 contact hours + MORE SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS

I forgot to enrol for 2017 Sem 1.............................................. and I also forgot to pay the $145 I owe to the university HAHAHA and that's going to take a couple of days to go through. (jk Stephen just said you can go to Student Central to unlock it)

What am I doing omfg send help.

This doco gives me the feels omfg I cannot. Its about this dude who had a pretty good life then suddenly got strep A, had all limbs cut off, lips got eaten away etc. So sad but him and his wife are so inspirational :(
So this morning I went to Student Central to ask them to unlock my account after panicking cus I checked the class times beforehand and everything was almost full. The guy who served me was super nice and got the job done.

Then I went to algebra and was frantically trying to make my timetable before I went into the exam HAHAHAHAH it wasn't working out because all the classes I wanted were already filled. 

Basically tried to get permission to clash one of my MMANs and MATH2019 but to do that you have to call BOTH faculties and yah it was going to take too long so I just decided to do MATH2089 (stats) instead and do the MATH2019 later on. This horrendous thing is what I ended up with:
I was supposed to have 29 fucking hours this sem but I "missed out" on the in-class lectures for MMAN2400 so I'm going to have to do online ones which cuts down contact hours to 25 hours. But tbh going to skip ALL LECTURES except for maybe the first week cus gotta know course outline and all that jazz. 

Some side notes:
Did shit in my algebra test because two of the questions were in none of the practice exams (seriously what the fuck DO YOU WANT ME TO FAIL???) and also went to Whitehouse to eat with Amy, Stephen, Hanna and her no-longer-bae Simon.

I was so confused because Hanna and her ex-bf are basically still besties and they tag each other in sexual memes and stuff BUT NOT TOGETHER BUT they are soooooo close.

Then did MMAN lab and soooooooooo many people were there because erryone was doing it last minute. We couldn't share results because the weights/distances you used were based on the last four digits of your student number.

Then left to tutor Kevin, who farted a lot today HAHAHAH but was very attentive THEN WENT BACK TO CITY met up with FD and Feng, we all went to Arisun and ate dinner with the ANUS amy. 

OMG ALSO I SAW THE JIMMY TUTOR THAT I TOOK OVER THE 8A AND 8B CLASS FROM AND I WAS SO FLUSTERED HAHHAHAHHA she introed me to her bf and I was like coooooool Jenny's my mentor shes amazing IDK WHAT I WAS SAYING nervous laughter hahaha get me out of here casually mentions that I haven't marked my HW for tomorrow her eyes widen like this girl got some organisational problems gasps in shock "BUT ITS TOMORROW!" HA HA HA OUTSIDE LAUGHTER BUT INSIDE ROASTING ME FOR BEIN SO LAST MINUTE she starts talking about night noodle markets I say something stupid idk whats happening I then say hahah ok I'll see you later!!!!! keenly leaves and pretends to look at menu with FD but inside screaming get me out of here. ALSO I'M DRESSED LIKE A FUCKING POTATO HAIR COMING OUT OF THE WEAK ASS PONYTAIL, A STOCK UNSW SHIRT, JUST OVERALL RATCHETNESS 
going to see her at work tmr literally kill me now

sorry for very disjointed blog (hahah its always lik dis what) its 3:05am I just finished marking HW for that 9:30am class I'm about to pass out goodbye LIKE bye


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