Wednesday 12 October 2016

lil n***a


Woke up for uni at 7 PRAISE ME. It was such a struggle I slept at almost 2 lol. Went to BIOM lecture and as always saw Cal and Rachel because for some reason they always make it to 9am classes??

I didn't even listen to the lecture I mostly prepped for the 8A lesson. They're doing Statistics bleurgh like the histogram and frequency polygram stuff we did with Ms Maloukis. Oh Ms Maloukis so many yr8 mems. Like that time Jenny and I finished our HW then we started playing cards and Jan and Feng joined in even though they hadn't finished. Then Maloukis came around and was like "WHY ARE YOU PLAYING CARDS HAVE YOU EVEN FINISHED YOUR HW" then jenny and I nodded and showed her, then Jan and Feng also nodded and she was like "can I see" then they were like shiiiiiit and went back to doing their HW lmao.

Anyway, went Whitehouse as usual with Feng, Lulu and Joyce. Saw Savannah walked in and I was like SAVANNAH then she came and hugged me bcus I guess what normal people do when they haven't seen each other in 7ish years. She's still dating Lachlan (we were all prefects together in primary). She said Ms Lind still talks about us lmao.

Then I went to comp tute but skipped my lab :/

Went home, took a nap then headed off to tutoring.

First day taking 8A. I TRIED TO BE AS SCARY AS I COULD by threatening them that I would move them down to 8B if they weren't hardworking  but I think it just came off as someone telling them to do things they didn't want to do. They are a really smart and attentive class tho. There are some really you would say "lovely" students in that class. Let's see how long it takes them to start being noisy hahahah. Juliana's sister is in my class and her name is also Serena.

Then went home and didn't do anything... played dbd again and lmao we played 7 rounds. Everyone is too good now the survivors always win. Stephen trolled me when I was the killer and he said he found the trap door so I would leave Andrew who was on the hook :(  Played until my mum started screaming at me.

They have this running joke that I am a black person. I don't know why. They call me negro :(


I'm officially that dog team member that doesn't do anything in the group project. I woke up at 11:45 when the meeting was at 12 HAHAHAHA. Its ok I volunteered to do the editing of the film. High school mems!!!

Currently sitting with Lulu there were like 7 of us all trying to buy tickets to JB concert and so far no luck :(

ok update FENG BOUGHT B RESERVE TICKETS!! We will sell them if we find anything better.


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