Monday 24 October 2016

It's All A Catch 22

I was thinking about naming this post Catch 22 but I had no idea what I meant so I googled it and hey "a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions." 

I seriously love this song so much. ILY ILLY!!!! 
lub this song so much


Tutored the year 5s today. I'm always apprehensive beforehand because its either gonna be a good day or a bad day. It was a good day today.
Taught them some ~geometry and how to spell isosceles hehehe. Also I'm so scared of other teachers judging me because I know I'm kind of shit and I don't react to things how I should react. But basically this boy was like "Miss I forgot to do my homework" JUST AS THE STRICT TEACHER I'M INTIMIDATED BY WALKED PAST and I was just like srsly fml need to be scary and I just interrogated him like "why not? You get homework every single week how can you just forget?". I need better training than this srs. I have a couple new students in my 5B class and this kid with an overbearing parent quit. She was probs like wow what is this teacher doing??

After tutoring I went to the new Gia Hoi in Cabra with fam . I did not know that Steak on the Rocks was owned by same person (THATS WHY THE DECO FOR THE TWO SHOPS IN CANLEY LOOKS EXACTLY THE SAME!!!).
bun bo hue and some com tam
 mi fav pandan green worm thingo but weird because they put no sugar syrup in it and we had to ask for some
 class red rice with crispy skin chicken but for some reason the rice is orange like everything else in gia hoi

fucking need to mark a shitload of year 8 work...

Went home and did comp assigment. This was my reaction when I finished:


It was considerably easier than the fekkin yatzhee bullshit I swear I still don't know how to do that shit. But also kind of sad because I missed out one of the functions because ran outta time. but oh wells. devs because forgot about maple tute. I've literally missed 4 maple tutes this sem and they start penalising after 2 lmao. What is uni SRSLY

Watched Cafe Society: Woody Allen movie with Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart. They've made so many movies together :O
I thought the movie was pretty good when I watched it hahah nek minnit read reviews and everyone shitting on how Woody Allen makes the same shitty movie every year. I don't know what that means because I've seen Midnight in Paris and thats it. Kristen Stewart is an really good actress.

Slept at 3am and woke up at 1pm today rip

Ze Present Day

Have done nothing unfortunately. Organised my music library tho...


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