Friday 2 March 2018

always getting baited


Woke up bright n early for my 9 am PHSL lecture - we learnt about excitable cells XD. Same same. Then went to Whitehouse with Niina, Anthony and Jason. Had a $10 chicken schnitty and was so shooketh by the portion size like wow ITS BACK TO BEING BIG. We are planning to do Muay Thai / Boxing together lmaoooo. Then I met Amy to plan our Project shit and lol was dying on 4 hours of sleep so I got a covfefe and paid the extra $0.50 for fucking soy milk. First time ever I have not felt unwell after a coffee. What a revolution.

Then I went to my first ANAT histology lecture which was the biggest joke. We got a worksheet being like "put your thinking caps on and answer these questions about HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT TEAM BASED LEARNING" . Then our lecturer just walked out. W T F. Sat with Jason Phu (the Georges Hall year 5 formal date one XD) and he's sooooooooooo in control with the fact that he likes being alone. Like I don't even need to small talk with him because he does nothing and there is nothing to talk about. SO that's good. 

After ANAT, I went to Jason's super secret hiding spot in the Mech Eng Building where he likes to eat lunch alone but obviously he wasnt alone today HAHAHAH. There was a zip-tie on the floor when we left and then I picked it up and he was like oh thats mine and I was just like thoroughly confused as to why he kept zip ties in his bag. We talked about Netflix shows.

Went down to Red Centre to look at posters. There was nothing really that I wanted. Like some were nice (Star Wars, some superhero ones) but yerrhhh wouldn't spend $12 unless I was sure I wanted it.

Met up with Amy again and did more project shit. 
Then went to my ELEC lecture BY MYSELF. It was refreshing. Like idk I feel like I don't want human interaction when I get too much of it. But then Stephen rocked up late on his skateboard but its fine cus Stephen's chill. Then Stephen left, then I WAS BY MYSELF AGAIN but yah sitting at the back of the lecture hall jsut tippy tapping at my laptop was very nice. 

Chilled with Niina and Anthony at the new lounge things at the quad with the tables and chargers (how avant garde). I tried to sleep but ended up on my phone as usual. Did a bit of thinking with my thinking caps for ANAT. Then made Slack stickers for all the current WIESoc exec/directors cus I'm utterly useless.

Anyway, we bussed to Central and on the way saw fucking Mathew Chu who is in VSA STATE and not fucking doing anything and he tried to lie to me being like "yeah I'm working with VSA State!!" and I'm like .... "I'm in VSA State you kent". 

Met up with rest of Potatoes outside Krispy Kreme and I could tell Brenda was carrying a cake for me but I didn't say anything. I thought they bought one for me BUT NAH turns out NIINA MADE IT THE NIGHT BEFORE WITH HER MUM O M G her mum legit thinks I'm a the child. Niina said we couldn't watch Lady Bird Tuesday cus she was "doing paper mache" l m a o but makes sense now cus she was making the cake. I was so shooketh though and like they made it Oreo shaped.
where are my eyes thugh
Brenda had to go over to Niinas late the night before to get the cake so she could bring it today omfg just so much effort for me WHY. Also i stumbled across Lizzie writing in my card at Spice Alley and it was soooo funny she was like GO AWAY and I was like hmm working on some WIESoc stuff aye? CARD WAS SO CUTE AND SWOON AND WHOLESOME TOOOOOoooOOoOOoOOo dunno how to express human emotions so here's Kristen Bell reacting to a sloth instead. 
We went to play pool and by some miracle Niina and Lizzie beat Brenda and I. 
Went home and then had some contemplative af thoughts about being baited all the time. Wrote a long ass cringe entry in my ~diary~ and then went to sleep. 
Thanks Sharon for liking my VSA NSW post wow true supporter ALWAYS


Somehow been to every lecture since uni started? missing first one today though because gotta do my enactus app. Heard that as of last night there were like already 200+ apps submitted fml. I fucking hate filling out applications. It takes me so long because I'm not eloquent. Lmao lemme just die real quick.

I have been sleep deprived every day. Woke up to go to ELEC lecture at 11 am then went library by myself so I could concentrate on my application. NEK MINNIT ends up dicking around for 2 hours on Netflix and blogger. Watched Black Lightning pilot episode but the acting and writing was so bad I couldn't keep going. Anyway, I struggled through app, before going to my ANAT tute which was super fun and like interactive. We had to put dots on a limb. Russian lady is legit so so passionate and nice I love her. OMFG so awkward I met new people and idk what to do I like wave and say hi im serena but then i stumble over my words sometimes and I wanna die but yerh

then had a BESS meeting at Whitehouse and my events boss Akshin brought in this other guy who knows escape rooms so well and he full gave us this new plan and stuff but his teamwork strategy is very full on like he comes out with his ideas very strongly. IDK IM NOT USED TO IT I'M USED TO EVERYONE BEING REALLY QUIET AND BEING LIKE "HMMM that sounds like a good idea..." and nervous laughter. NIINA WAS SO USELESS AS WELL SHE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING HAHAHAHAH

After that, we sat at Whitehouse and ordered some fries. Akshin talked to us a bit but then left cus I think Niina and I both wanted to do work. Anyway, I took like an hour and a bit to finish my application but it was the biggest struggle. I probably sound so so so dumb. Anyway, after I finished we walked to Quad and spent a solid 5 minutes just jumping around figuring out what to do. Niina's a weird chocolate monster so she suggested we go Max Brenner and get chocolate licks?
They were melted pots of chocolate that you dip this flat stick into and literally lick. They were $2.90 each but worth because they last forever. Spent 2.5 hours there just chilling. On the way home now and my mum just called me and told me she was locking me home since I've been home after 12 for 4 out of 5 days this week. Well. Before hanging up she yelled "go sleepover" and she said something about how I better be home tomorrow night or I'm dead well surprise I'm going clubbing XD


legit get so depresso when I think about my future.


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