Saturday 24 March 2018

friday nights

When life is good and you're just like well how long is this going to last


Ummmm where to start. Had a pretty fun night last night LOL. I wasn't even supposed to go out but yeah ended up at Sanct as usual (I'm beginning to notice a pattern on Friday nights).

Went to uni super late yesterday for my histology lab. It was standard. Went to "study" at lib and just did one quiz in 3 hours + a nap. At 5 pm, I went down to Hilmer to see Selina and Aanika who btw seems like the most chill person now O_O like she's so so chill WTH I swear she was not this cool in HS. We got kicked out of the open area so we just sat outside the elevators with Andy as well. Yapped about VSA and life so I didn't do anything for like 1.5 hours. Andy asked me the same thing he always asks me and I'm like wtf why would I lie about something like that. HE'S SO COOKED.
Then Niina came back from tutoring and she wanted to have a wholesome night at MATSOC board games but we didn't know anyone there except for Brenda who was busy with her own friends so we hung around for 20 mins, stole pizza, food and drinks then left.

Selina and Andy left to go to their first VSA bonding and Niina promised me she was going to drink with me next Friday but then she realised that next Friday was a holy day so she was like "omg can't drink on Jesus' birthday so ok we go out tonight instead" and I was like HELLS YEEEEEEAHHH. Walked back to her house, dropped our shit off, curled the copious amount of hair I have, drank a bit of Turkish vodka then left to go to the city. My bladder almost burst so we ran into the nearest bar and their toilet was fkn closed and I was like hell nah and luckily there was another toilet upstairs.

We went to Star Bar to meet Niina's HS besties (Miriam, Louisa) and then left them shortly afterwards to go to alley. Shared 2 bottles of soju (strawberry tastes like ass btw) and then saw FD and her boothang + so many VSA people INCLUDING the chick who was in the State Ball promo video and she was like oMG ARE YOU THE SERENA WHO DID THE COVER PHOTO

left right goodnight
Got lit, went to Sanct which was a bit boring tbh.

if you look really closely you can see that we r not ok
Saw Connie Yao ofc, saw some of the new VSA PRs who were like dying. Then went to maccas and baited Selina to come back to see me but she was just so done with life and her tragic PRs because she didn't get lit and had to look after them. I remember messaging Debbie last night as well and fucking Vivien chundered on her. Selina stayed with us a bit then went home but yeah she was so not in the mood :(

172 was our streak.
We ate so many nuggets and chips. Headed back to Niina's house where we both fell asleep on the bus then got off and had to sit outside Soul Burger for 20 minutes because Niina felt too sick to move and I tied her hair up but she started saying how her ears were like monkey ears and then I started playing a self-love playlist on Spotify.
We just lay on the couch and talked for a while idk about what just life things and somehow ended up stroking each others eyebrows? It was a very nice chill night.

nice hoodie


At the library now getting ready to start doing Project work. WOOHOOO!! Also I got a $2 LARGE SOY CAP from Village Cafe because of the app discount code for Tayble that someone posted on UNSW Discussion. SO GOOD.

Fast forward and I just spent fucking 3.5 hours doing ONE project book kms. WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG?? I probably not going out tonight or anything so I will end this post here :)

jokes lmao I went to see Amy just then. visited her after work like a real wife XD. We had ippudo yumm0.


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