Tuesday 13 March 2018



Got to uni at 9 for anatomy lecture, was struggling to keep up as usual. Went to MMAN tute, learnt nothing. Had a 3 hour break where I tried to make a super fancy coming soon post but ended up giving up because the 3D wasn't rendering properly. Ended up on Canva using their default template which took me legit like 5 minutes. I was so done.
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👉👉👉 VSA IUC 👈👈👈

Anatomy was fun though. Too much content though lol cus the respiratory system is so massif. Found out I was getting Mathew Chu as my new tutor O_O HAHAHAA oh well I will see him more so I can roast him about not doing jackshit in State VSA. Went back to library to continue doing VSA things but mostly WIESoc Viv showed me what she was working on. Had WIESoc meeting which was so uneventful lol I legit contribute nothing. 

Went home and was in such a weird mood that I danced for a solid hour with my sister to Panic, Taylor Swift, John Mayer and a smattering of other artists. Neighbours probably thought we were possessed because we were imitating the instrumental bits as well like the electric guitar in Slow Dancing In A Burning Room. Then went to sleep (not before watching this cool as fuck documentary).
I got sleep paralysis either last night or the night before... I can't really remember lol. But it was sooooo weird like I didn't have any of the scary shit happening where someone is choking you or whatever. I just couldn't move even though I swear my eyes were open and I was fully awake.


Didn't have uni today but got there at 9? Shocked at myself. Made my stupid ass VSA State Ball cover photo and finally finished it (kind of) after like another 5 hours working on it. Celebrated Brenda's birthday at Penny Lane!!! It was super chill and entire squad was there except for Phuc. Food was kinda disappointing yet again but sweet potato chips were yummo!! Had cake too :)

Went to matsci to study with some VSA (Selz, Debbie and Dalena who I had not seen in a bajillion years. They were all super supportive and we yapped about new/old VSA things... twas nice) and then fkn coincidentally ran into Feng as well HAHHAHA. I was going to pee then just saw her coming towards the general study area and was so surprised.

Went up to library to hang out with Niina but spotted Vivian and jump scared her. She almost hit me with her umbrella. I really like scaring people I've realised. Its the only way I can get a reaction out of them.

I have never seen anyone as hardworking as Niina. Its actually crazy. I feel pressured to not look at my phone when I'm studying with her because it seems like her concentration never lapses. Omg lol Vivan was talking about partnering with EngiQUEERing to run some events and like idk how it came up but Vivian asked Niina if she "had a boyfriend ... or girlfriend or whatever" and then Niina was like "Serena's my girlfriend" and then Vivian laughed then looked at us funny and I was like L M A O "yeh she's actually my wife". 
Wrote a quick acrostic poem for them and lol I did mine in 20 seconds and for the N I wrote Nihilistic. Because I am.
Did MMAN tutes and tried to catch up to current week but I'm such a slow worker and my brain was fried from 2 coffees and a severe lack of sleep. 

OMW home now!! Left uni at 10 pm and gonna get home at 12. Pretty FUCKING SHIT. 


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