Monday 12 March 2018

running away (BESS CAMP)

So just spent the last 3 days at BESS (biomed engineering student soc) Camp literally running away from my responsibilities. It was super wholesome and fun though!! Next time I would rather be a camper not a camp leader because I missed out on so many activities with my group since I was overseeing escape room.

Met a lot of people while sober so I will probably talk to them again HAHAHHA. First years are so cute and wholesome. Now are you guys ready for an excess of Niina photos because thats all I have.
First day was just settling in, playing some icebreakers, dinner then trivia night.
We were in charge of cookingsausages and hash browns for dinner!!
Trivia night was sooooo fun omfg it was the best trivia night I've ever done. Between every round of trivia, someone from each team had to go up and so a challenge. I had to feed a banana to this guy and I was acting as his hands. He almost choked cus I fed it too quick l m a o. This guy from Niina's team went up and recited this entire Banjo Patterson poem he learnt in year 7 and it went on for a solid 5 minutes. We eventually nicknamed him ant man because he crawled through the mud course like an ant and he had helmet hair. He joined VSA as well XD. Met a lot of the subcomm on the first night haha. The girls are so nice. Rachael is so unfiltered I love it. Every time we had free time, we played ultimate frisbee.

I fucked up on first night because I was supposed to sleep on the top bunk but I couldn't get up. Also it was super late and the other girls were already sleeping because Niina and I had stayed up to do escape room stuff soooo I kept trying to get up to the top bunk but it was too high and Niina couldn't stop laughing but like silent laughter which made it even funnier. I tried to get a chair from the living room to help me but the second I stepped on it, it made the loudest creaking noise and I fkn couldn't stop laughing. Eventually gave up and just took up Niina's personal space in the bottom bunk LMAoo. Omg also as camp leaders we got the better cabins hehehe not the shitty detention centre ones. Beds were so comfy, so warm.

Second day was mud course, water park, mini games and disco. Niina and I didn't do mud course or water park cus I was on my period and like ceebs but it looked so fun :( pray next time I go to that campsite my uterus is not shedding. We just chilled and watched our teams battle it out.
Then came time for mini games and I had to look after my escape room for 4 hours.
I was so tired and done by the end of it. Energy levels of all the teams were like exponentially decreasing as well so the last team were like "MORE RIDDLES?!?!" every time they got a new clue. I'M SO KEEN TO SEE THE BESS VIDEO THOUGH!! Was separated from Niina for 2 hours which was the longest we had been apart all camp so we legit hugged like she had just come back from an extended tour of Afghanistan.
call me by your name and I'll call you by mine XD
The actual disco was pretty shit but everyone just chilled on the grass area outside the cabins and it was SO fun. We danced for so long into the night and stopped because we were about to drop dead. This random guy was sleeping outside on the grass because some people were going at it in his cabin.
oh also some people were doing the dirties in our cabin but we thought they were already done so Niina and I looked through the window to just double check and turns out they were not fucking done. I WAS SO SCARRED CUS I SAW SO MUCH SKIN. Anyway that forced us to go back outside and keep dancing.We went back to the rec hall to dance with the first years who were having the time of their lives (probably first time getting drunk) and idk just so cute. Niina had her RSA so she was serving alcohol but she felt bad for her campees who were under 17 so she just gave them alcohol too. REVOKE HER RSA SMH.
Got slung onto the grass and so many people crowded around to ask if I was ok but I was just laughing, yelled at random people to drink more, danced and rapped with camp leaders, played exploding kittens.
We went back to our cabins exhausted and when we finally got into bed I had a sudden resurgence of energy and said "Niina is almost a palindrome.... I'm going to call you Aniina from now on." and I kept whispering that for 15 minutes and we couldn't stop laughing cus we were both so drunk.

Woke up this morning feeling super tired but not hungover. Had a wholesome breakfast, played a bit of frisbee then had closing ceremony. OUR TEAM CAME FIRST YEAH THE GREEN TEAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
On the bus back home, we listened to good music, stared outside the window and tried to sleep :)
So much funnnn heheehhe BUT I want to be a campee next time !! makes me regret even more the fact I didn't go to any camps in first year :(
Came home today, took a phat nap. Now I have the biggest stomach ache fk. Anyway, cousins gave me an arduino kit for my birthday honestly so shook and the bomb ass card I have on my story. So many fucking mosquito bites fuck


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