Friday 23 March 2018





Dua(denum) Lipa 

I have a quiz tomorrow for anatomy on the digestive system so my title is relevant ok. Anyway, DUA WAS AMAZING AHHHHHH I'm watching her performances on Youtube because I have post concert depression. So much hotter irl as well omfg. She started with Hotter Than Hell and bruhh h h hh hhhhhhhh. We got a really good view because we were one of the first ones in the back section so we were on the railing thing and no one was in front of us for another 3 meters. 

Favourite was definitely Be The One though cus she made the crowd do the shouting bit towards the end where she just repeats "Be The One" a bajillion times but omg I was having the best time. SO UPSET SHE DIDN'T SING HOMESICK THOUGH!!??!!? ughakdhklhjlkh. But yeah it was a massive party and I get really pissed at people who don't dance LOL. I feel like I go harder than most people at concerts cus IDGAF xDDDDDDDDDDD

she's hotter than hell (which is good since I'll be there soon and need to get climatised)
She brought the pride flag out at some point and Selz looked at me was like sarcastically, "are you having a good time?" and I nodded and fucking danced my heart out. I am beyond excited for Halsey!!!

Other Things

Was phoneless for sooooooo bloody long yesterday. I was dying without internet on the train because I couldn't even watch lectures cus I forgot to download them beforehand. I bought a coffee, then studied with Niina before going to do some IMP interviews. The first interview was super good but the second one was not great. I interviewed Shabab, my old PR exec, which was a tad bit weird. He offered Nancy and I a caffeine pill. Then "studied" some more but I really wasn't that productive because people kept coming and going and talking and stuff so idk. Struggled so hard over MMAN because I had no solutions until Jason sent me the course pack. Joanne arrived to yap some more and Amy kept leaving because our table was so noisy OOPS. Went to Central with Jo then collected my phone off FD from UTS.


Cry for you, I'll die for you. Mad regrets not getting the Dua Lipa hoodie cus fml it looks SO NICE. Teresa wore it to our WIESoc bonding today and I just made a passing comment like "I really like your hoodie" cus it was black with a tiny bit of text and nice pink block letters on the sleeves and then she goes "yeah you went Dua Lipa too right?!" and I was so shook when she showed me the sleeves and they said Dua Lipa. I saved $100 though?!? so I'm not that upset.

Today I slept in until 8:30!!! Latest its been in a while lol. I headed to uni, crashed Niina's events subcom meeting and ate some pancakes. Yiyi, Phuc, Mirette and Vivian were there and it basically turned into a bash VSA/gossip session. Then Nancy Dinh came to pick up Phuc and idk why but Phuc made it so awkward. oMG ALSO whoever was playing their music at Whitehouse needs a raise. New Love by Dua Lipa came on then Curious by Hayley Kiyoko omfg I was so shook cus like no one listens to Hayley Kiyoko. 

Went to library to "study" more like wail about how screwed I was. So much complaining because I literally had no idea what was going on in over half the tute questions. I went off to do my ANAT quiz and got 5/6 but idk what I did wrong so eh. I also packed lunch last night because I'm so poor I don't wanna keep spending $20 everyday at uni just to sustain myself. Mirette, one of the new events subcom was just sitting in a booth near us and she snapped me about to feed Niina some potatoes HAHAHHAHA. Also brought chia seeds to put in my lunch because ... uh.. why not?
Death to meeeee I have a PHSL exam next week too grrrrr. PHSL a bit more fun compared to MMAN though. 

Got pretty wrecked by my MMAN exam so walked with Stephen to his Redback meeting then I went to Roundhouse for "chill drinks". It was so chill that I didn't drink AHAHHAHAHA and literally didn't talk to anyone besides Niina and sometimes Abe/Riya but yeah I just not so good at socialising. We got mac n cheese and potato fries. Both were pretty shit ngl fuck roundhouse sides. But music was gucci - mumford and sons and the supporting act from Dua hAHAHA. 
soz I only have photos of myself but I legit don't take photos anymore

stayed back to talk for a bit more (Riya was telling us her life story) and I think I met Riya's boyfriend? I don't even know cus they didn't act like bf/gf. Anyway, Riya's alleged boyfriend dropped me off at Central and now I'm at home. Its 1:23 am, Amy's just bring bringed me, I vowed that I wouldn't stay up this late but alas I still haven't started working on the workbook for Project tmr.

never seen a more accurate review title
panic! and Hayley! why! do! I! live! in! Australia!

no life, without wife XD. 
(SO MANY MORE PHOTOS GOT RELEASED and now you can really see who I didn't hang out with during camp)

I used to be a such a doubtful person in first year?? like wow how sad was I... I don't even remember nor do I want to O_O


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