Sunday 4 March 2018

living my best (gay) life


Pre-Mardi Gras

Stephen and Amy picked me up to go to Cabramatta. My face was on the bonnet of Stephen's car......We went to John Belvedere and ate some fkn great burgers. Then they gave me my presents which was a noice as fuck coach pouch and some banging EXTRA BASS earphones.
Got my free birthday Chatime then we went back to Amy's house to watch The Sound of Music since Stephen and Amy hadn't watched it before. They presented with my cake and I couldn't believe my eyes. 
Sound of Music was a good time as always. Didn't realise how old Liesl actually looks. 

Then we got ready and went to Mardi Gras!!

Mardi Gras

We arrived in the city and realised how drab we looked compared to everyone else so we went into that Asian supermarket in Town Hall and bought a bunch of random decorations. Bought some lady bug wings that were fucking annoying and also a hairband. 

Then went to Redbottle and maccadees to drink our purchases. Some random drunk girls wanted to be our friends LMAOOooo. We were pretty lit but went to Redbottle to get more drinks then stumbled our way down to Oxford Street. IT WAS SO LIT. Just so much happiness EVERYWHERE. We couldn't see the parade until some randoms gave us chairs to stand on. I was legitimately so happy IDK just so proud that everyone gave no fucks. Also note to anyone that goes to Mardi Gras you legit can't see shit unless you stand on chairs which sucks.
Was getting super duper drunk and like was yelling random things like "wtf is this WHERE'S THE UNSW FLOAT?!"
Stumbled to the Hudson Ballroom for the Empire Party.

Empire Mardi Gras Masquerade

HOLY SHIT I walked in and like I felt like a child who was discovering a whole new world. There was literally a naked chick just like strip teasing.. Amy and I were like 
yup she really is just going for it.. . tits out for the girls

We got drinks when we arrived and like idk why we decided a tequila shot was a good idea? I almost straight up vomited lol. Then I bought another drink just so I could mix the leftover tequila with it HAHAHA. Then bought another round for my new friend and she bought me one too but then checking my bank account this morning I'm like
you motherfucking dumb drunk bitch

IT WAS SO FUN HAHAHHAHA but I was um quite a bad friend . .. . . . . . 
Ubered back to Amy's house and our uber cost $127 WTF. Then went to sleep and I was still so drunk but so happy. DEFS GOING MARDI GRAS NEXT YEAR OMG

The Aftermath

I woke up and felt so shit so I showered and tried to chunder but nothing came out. Amy's rents dropped me off at Bankstown then I went to City with my fam to watch Love, Simon. Obviously a very gay movie, so I didn't tell them what they were watching. I was so glad I made them watch it though because its such like a truthful portrayal of the struggles we go through. And the main character goes against all the gay stereotypes like hes just a normal teenage dude. My mum ended up crying hehehe. immediately after it ended though my dad said some STUPID SHIT like "ohhhh why are so many people watching this movie but they are in straight relationships?!?! I didn't see any boy couples in the audience." Selz brought her siblings too hahah cute Luong Le Khac family movie day.
Went to Yayoi for birthday dinner with fam then went home!! Whole af day. 
stickers came to fill up the hole ytbbbb
Anyway, I'm 20. I'm feeling old as fuck. But also never not given this less fucks in my entire life so here's to new things XD


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