Tuesday 27 March 2018

falling behind

Parents have recently let Skwizgaar come into the house but only when one of these two things are happening:
  1. the rapey orange cat is outside waiting to rape Skwizgaar
  2. it is raining
Sis is considering getting her spayed so that she won't have babies and the rapey orange cat will fuck off. 


Did nothing and I loved it. I didn't even watch a movie....
under WIESoc Games Night promo k k k kkekekekkeeeeee
Made a coupla quick marketing posts for VSA NSW then uh.... did literally nothing wtf. What an interesting day. Kinda ugly tbh idk didn't really like it.
meanwhile at Macquarie VSA:
Watched Bachelor in Paradise and it was kinda boring t b h. I'm waiting for Megan to come spice some shit up because the drama is so boring.


Hi hi from Central Station on top of the Hurstville platform. I don't want to go to my platform because its cold and I didn't bring a jacket. My events VP Vivian Bakiris just asked me what an LG was HAHAH.

I accidentally slept in today and ended up getting to uni at 11:30 instead of 9. Did nothing, then went to watch Anthony's first string quartet performance + some random beat boxers, went back to library and told Niina on the way there that I used to do Physie in primary school and we died cus its such a stupid stupid dance style. Here are some of my physie photos woohoo I actually won awards for this stuff would you believe it
Went to my anatomy lab and we were doing kidneys + reproductive system today lol. Got information overload and brain legit was so fried towards the end. The bladder is a tiny bag for your pee to drain into idk why I was so shook when I saw it. There was nothing mindblowing I learnt about the reproductive organs though. OOOh maybe that the egg from the ovary gets released into the abdominal cavity and kinda just floats around until it gets caught by the fimbriae of the uterine tubes. I always thought they were directly connected?! My demonstrator Mathew picked up like this sack in a specimen and was like "this is the uterus" but then someone was like uh... that is a guy cus it has a PENIS!
Then went back to library, got some banana bread and did some ELEC stuff. Had a meeting with Riya but it was mostly her telling me about how mech camp was and how her and her boyfriend met L M A O so random she clearly was not in the mood to do work. We gossiped a bit idk she's just super nice. When she asked me how I was though I feel so bad being like "oh I'm perfectly fine" but that's what I said because that's what I am?! I feel bad when other people are going through so much shit but I'm like ... well I'm okay I guess. Reminds me of that meme where the chick talks about herself forever but then goes "WELL HOW ARE YOU?" but I'm really really fine with the other person talking about themselves forever.
At WIESoc meeting, Naomi brought up starting a WIESoc blog and LIZZIE GOT SOOOOO EXCITED AND I WAS LIKE IT COULD BE FUN?!?! so keen keen keen. I was about to tell them about my blog but then I realised I may have bitched about some people before and nty don't wanna start shit. We sorted out our ball tables and woohoo Miriam and Phuc are coming now yeeeet

Yeah afterwards stayed back with Viv to finish my ELEC tute and watch Bachelor in Paradise with her. She told me about how she was dropping yet another subject to focus on WIESoc and her health and I was like FMD?!?!?!?!!??!?!! She is so stressed why. then she too asked me how I was and again, I was like hmmm I'm fine XD
Omw home now. Allergic to coming home before 10 pm.
i feel like im just so funny these days



Got to uni at 8, caught up on some elec lectures, went to elec lab which stephen and I smashed out yet again (wow we're so good at elec)!! went to beef noodle salad event and felt a lil awkward because the new prs didn't know who I was and it was a bit sad but it was nice seeing everyone again. 
VSA seems like such a sad memory now

Went back to lib, bought some cake for charitea with Niina and then died! Its been 4 hours and I have done nothing! woohoo! Going home with Dalena tonight so that will be fun.


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