Friday 9 March 2018

International Women's Day

HELLO in a much better m00d now.

Woke up from my nap in a daze having slept like 1.5 hours over what i was supposed to. Was feeling so shit cus had so much to do in addition to Andrew asking me to do his homework for him!??! SO nty lol plus uterus was shedding lol. Then Amy called me and I was so pissed like I picked up the phone and immediately yelled "DON'T TELL ME TO DO MY PROJECT STUFF CUS IM GOING TO DO IT" and she was like chill you've been wanting to talk the whole week. I feel fine now.
Anyway, had 5 hours of sleep and insides almost died trying to get to uni at 8 am. MADE IT THOUGH and started helping setting up for IWD. Was a very successful event but lol slave labour trying to bring the tables back up to Arc. UGH. This random first year came up to us and started talking about squash and idk why but Niina couldn't stop laughing. Studied at MCIC with Lizzie and it was v chill but I was lowkey stressing about my ANAT quiz which I ended up getting 4/5 for because I didn't know what fascia was. Saw Natapatatatpapa today and she is so nice. 

Went home and knocked the fuck out for a solid 3 hours. 

Christ Stuckman just articulated what I thought about Love, Simon... doesn't try to make you feel sorry for him, they try to make you relate to him. 
ITS LEGITIMATELY MY FAVOURITE MOVIE I'VE SEEN IN AGESSSSSSS I feel like movies have been so boring lately. 

Death of a Bachelor is such a good album.

Me jokingly calling Jason my boyfriend because I see him literally like every single day for at least 5 hours.. . . . . ............... .... . . . . .............. . . . .... . . .. .. I AM EXHAUSTED

Why does it require so much effort to get close to people. Can i just like skip all that small talk...

ANYWAY just thoughts of the day from me. I want to go to Los Angeles because LA devotee is such a good song. You ever jsut wanna dance on the train but you can't so you just tap your feet and hands to release the energy yes that me.

i have a massive urge to ask people how their days were now

Miss my biggest fans commenting on my blog posts where you at now like esp after dropping my mardi gras post NO RESPONSE. wow. it really be your own people.

look at my state ball cover photo which i will have to start all over again ffs


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