Sunday 4 March 2018

another day at uni + Feng's Birthday

purrrrrfect XD 

Went to uni an hour before my lab so I could meet Potatoes. They gave me my presents which were these really aesthetic Yoda slippers and the cat shirt. I was so shocked when I saw the rude fingers but I was like ok I understand now why they bought it.

I've been having soy cappuccinos all week because:
1. I'm rewarding myself for going to uni so much and 
2. I don't want to fart so much 
....but it hurts when they charge 50c extra. 

Turns out my lab wasn't even on so Brenda and I stayed at Whitehouse doing some work before going to Library. Saw Phuc and Chris and they demolished the slice of birthday cake that I brought to uni. Then they left and I was all by my lonesome self. 

Tumblr emos LMAOOOOOOO

Went to PSHL lecture with Jason and then other Jason messaged me and was like are you here and I was like yup and then he MOVED to come sit next to me omfg he's so friendly like I'm not used to this.

Then bussed home and bumped into Nieshanka in the bus line?!?!! I wasn't going to say hi to her because social anxiety things xd but she's so chatty it was fine. We talked about so much uni shit LOL first years are so keen smh. She's so funny. 

Also just saw my tutor kid and she goes sghs now so weird

Finally going home before 12 today so my mum won't be mad. Yesterday I got home at 12:30 am and all the lights were out so I thought my family were all asleep. Nek minnit I unlock the door and my mum is standing in the living room in the  dark with only the light of the hallway illuminating her figure. I WAS SO SCARED. She told me off but when she woke up this morning she was super cheerful. CHOOSE A MOOD MUM.

I have 3 camps/road trips and 3 concerts in the coming two months. My wallet is crying. 

For Feng's birthday, we went to Assembly Bar. Got a meh rocket salad (don't do it), an amazing duck pasta and a solid meat pizza. Fiona, Peggie, Mel and I surprised Feng by getting her midnight mafia tickets HAHAH what a rave rat. Anyway, it was a chill dinner. We had red velvet cake. 

old bitch
Then went to Star Bar, had a couple of drinks, then red bottle, then the dodgy rooftop car park, then to Sanct. I saw Brendan at Sanct??? Like the one that delivered me meet fresh on my birthday 2 years ago. IT WAS SO WEIRD and kinda awkward. Left sanct and saw Dani lol. 

We went Panda which was kinda dead. Then we went home. I got pretty fkn drunk though HAHAHA. came home to my cat torturing a mouse then eating it...


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