Thursday 15 March 2018

I broke up with my boyfriend XD

Went to uni at 9:45 today, studied with Niina, Anthony and Vivian for a bit. Idk what I did really lol. A MMAN tute, a bit of ELEC stuff??? Took a break to get some coffee lol. Somehow 4 hours passed. Then I went to histology lecture AND l m a o Jason has found a new friend in Jasmine like he likes her so much he has stopped messaging me completely

Its the little things you miss... like the cute morning texts :(


Sat outside whilst they were interviewing Phuc, Natapat, Tabeeeeeena and some random chick for events subcom then went home with Phuc and had a nice catch up on the train home. He's just chill and very easy to talk to. 

Tutored Lily then did Project work and some WIESoc stuff.

Doing PR stuff is actually so rewarding sometimes. I'm not even in WIESoc's PR team anymore... but after begging Naomi to give me something to do, she was like you can do the subcommittee training slides. Weird because I was legit receiving this training just over a year ago??? I just feel like with PR there's so much satisfaction when the shit you make actually gets used and seen yenno. 


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