Wednesday 7 March 2018

im tired

Describe VSA in one sentence:


YES SHAPE OF WATER YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Watched the Oscars just then instead of doing resourcing for project oops. Didn't really care about anything that much cus none of the nominated movies blew my mind. Riya's eyes widened so much today when I said I hadn't done my exec training HAHAHHA.


went to town hall to get stuff for escape room, went uni at 2 pm, had boring phsl lab - group is boring, blood test, safety for 1.5 hours, alsmot fell asleep, went to brenda and niina's lecture then left to go library, did cover photo which they said was all wrong, got driven to niina's dad's house to print shit, then did escape room shit


went to uni at 9 today fml. paid attention in phsl and learnt some things. had 4 shot coffee latte, went to exec training, cried at how boring it was and so started studying for anat, went to nem nuong bbq, was nice seeing everyone again, helped photograph, niina was eating muesli?!?, went up to histology lecture - out lecturer was actaully so good, went to bess meeting, got shit done for camp, then went to lib to study more for anat, then met stephen and amy to go to mary magdalene. it was soooo boring at the beginning, picked up towards the end, idk man i get so pissed sometime i think theres something wrong with me. UM q&a was so funny cus eveyrone who asked a question said it was beautiufl .I WAS SO BORED . there waws this crazy lady who kept attacking garthy boy. He's so tall irl.

So much stuff to do


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