Wednesday 14 June 2017

mman + A Ghost Story

exam #2 and film #2.


Ok I just realised how fucking mean we were to Ms Cantrill I can't believe the disregard we had for other human being's feelings back in HS.

MMAN is so hard I may actually just rage quit rn I don't understand so many things. ok 2 hours later and the situation has escalated THIS IS BAD strain gauges choke me as stephen would say "this beam is stressed / im necking / im about to fail"

I forgot I had work today HAHAHAHA my boss called me 5 mins before homework help and was like...did you forget. yeah sorry I forgot I was trying to comprehend 3 months worth of mechanics in a day

On the bright side I'm going to see A Ghost Story TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad David Lowery can't be there because he's festival hopping around the US :(

Wow nadal really just did that......................................10 french opens can that guy stop being so predictable


Ok so I woke up bright and early today (7:30 am) to study for MMAN and then ended up watching an OITNB episode 3 hours before my exam. I love these girlies. UGH OITNB is so trash sometimes (Daya's acting can someone kill me its terrible) but it mek me laff very hard. Best moments of the season so far:
  • Judy King on the cross
  • Flaritza's youtube channel
  • Nicky and Vause's makeovers
I was actually cackling. I NEVER CACKLE. 

Went to UTS to meet my sister. I napped for an hour then we went to mappen to eat some deluxe Tonkatsu Deluxe udon ~~~~~~~ Then ANOTHER FILM: A Ghost Story

A Ghost Story (2017)

Dir. David Lowery
making gifs at 3am on 5 hours of sleep when I should be studying for ELEC which I'm utterly fucked in the dickhole for.

my dude is back with A Ghost Story, my most anticipated Sydney Film Festival film.

If you saw my snap story... Ms Vickers was there. WATCHING THE SAME MOVIE WITH ME ABOUT A GHOST IN A BEDSHEET WITH CUT-OUTS FOR EYES. I was walking down the stairs to the lower level seats with my sister and I saw this woman in a red coat and was like NO FUCKING WAY and sure enuff it was June Vickers with her signature bob and really angry face even though I'm sure she is a nice person inside. Can't remember if we gave her a standing ovation when she retired. We probably did. 

I will try to be as honest as possible

If you even skim this blog I think you have some inkling of just how shooketh the first trailer of the movie made me. That compounded with all the brilliant reviews coming out of various film festivals lauding it as a "deeply affecting, head-spinning, poetic exploration of our relationship with time" etc. had me shitting meself with excitement. 

I'm positive this is the longest that 1 hr and 28 mins have ever felt. Is that necessarily a bad thing? I don't think so. Long story short which is the opposite of what this movie was, I liked it but it was weird and slow and idk what it was trying to tell me (or what I'm supposed to interpret from it).

This movie goes through centuries of time in the space of seconds but then also includes drawn-out minute long takes of nothingness. The longest was a five minute unbroken scene of Rooney grief-eating an entire vegan chocolate pie and I loved it because everyone was holding their breath and trying not to cough/fidget but it kept going on and on and you could just feel the atmosphere slowly getting more impatient until finally she got up to vomit and the scene cut and everyone, sighed, cracked their necks and stretched. In my field of vision, about 10 people walked out during this scene. Interestingly enough, the director did predict this would happen. For some reason I've ended up on his blog and he says, "There will be plenty of people who call it pretentious, plenty more who walk out at a very specific point about twenty minutes in, and others who will shrug it off, for whom it will be neither here nor there. But some people will love it, and I'm excited for them to discover it."

Well, just so you know I wasn't bored at all by it lol afterwards my sis and I discussed how weirdly she ate that pie (she mushed it around with her fork for ages to mix the crust with the filling before taking a tiny bite and kept doing that??)
David Lowery + Casey Affleck

Feelsbad for Casey who spent 80% of the movie under a sheet. I wonder if he can actually sing/play piano.

There's not much to spoil in this movie + you're never going to see it so here goes. My favourite scene was the one where Casey is showing Rooney the song he wrote and its fucking amazing and the bass literally shook the whole room but then it suddenly cuts to Rooney post-Casey death, listening to it on her shitty apple earphones and the bass and ambience is gone so the contrast is so real and sad and ugh and it cuts back and forth like that twice then she reaches out to touch the bottom of the ghost's sheet and its just so devastatingly beautiful. Words cannot do it justice. YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE SONG IN THE THEATRE WITH GOOD-ASS SPEAKERS I LOVE THIS SONGGGGGGGGGGG
The score was mind-blowing. I feel like there was maybe a total of 15 minutes of dialogue in the entire movie so the music needed to carry it and it really did.

Remember when I fangirled so hard over Ain't Them Bodies Saints and said every frame was an instragram pic? Well, this actually was because FUCK THE LIGHTING WAS STUNNING AND CAMERA MOVEMENTS WERE SO MEASURED UGH I DIE FOR THAT NATURAL LIGHTING THOSE WINDOWS THOSE FADING TRANSITIONS TO SHOW THE PASSAGE OF THE TIME and the ratio was 4:3 which is so close to being square. I was a bit thrown off at the beginning but you get used to it. I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything with the thinner screen.
What about the actual subject matter of the film? Idk. LOL this is where I stop typing because I really don't know. Its examining the nature of time and how little things can feel really big and big things can feel small but in the end its just all going to disappear one day and there's this amazing monologue halfway through the move about Beethoven and poets and artists and the universe and the sun turning into a red giant and swallowing us whole. We are unimportant.

I left the theatre feeling a lil confused but kinda at peace and I looked up the Queen Victoria Building and said to my sister, "one day that's not going to be there."


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